About Barnabus
Joined September 2009
Here at WA I my name is Barnabus My given name is William. After 20+ years in the US Army, and several successful business endeavors in the private sector, I decided to retire and take it easy. My retirement was short lived. Sitting on the sidelines watching the world pass me by is not my style.
I the words of the main man Popeye "I yam ,what I yam!"
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sox1n05 Premium
Thanks for the response to my blog Barnabus. I think that we all need some sort of sense of direction. WA is a great place to start!

I will certainly let you know how I'm doing with my articles. I am pretty good about updating my blogs too.

In my opinion, it's just trading some time for money. Think about how much time we waste in a day anyway!
1courage Premium
Barnabus, thank you for the encouraging words you made on my blog. Yes, it can be quite the challenge to manage our every day lives & work on IM, but I'm hanging in there. Won't give up so easily. I just requested your buddyship. I read your About Me & one blog entry. Very interesting life. Glad to meet you.
DrMarie Premium
Good Morning! Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate them. And, by the way, thanks for the gold. I will tell you a worthy cause. VictoriaNTC (you can find her under my buddies) I donate gold to her & so do alot of other people because she donates it all to "Feed the Children" an admirable & worthy cause, I believe. Take care & Let's make money together!
Garrd Premium
I noticed that you said you quit smoking congrats on that.
I have not been able to quit even with my breathing problems. I give you some gold for your success
Garrd Premium
I have started the quiting process I have only smoked four cigs since Monday at 6pm
Barnabus Premium
Thanks Garrd. It was 40 years, man. I want a cigarette every day. The Zyban helps a bit. It was getting to the point where I would wheeze all night long. Thanks for the gold .
armywife52 Premium
Thank you for your reply to my blog. Yes adwords seems to be something else! I'm going to figure it out eventually, I'll get that ad up and running :] I see that you are new to WA as well, I've only been here for a few weeks but so far so good. Welcome and it's great to have you! Also I see you're retired military.. that's excellent and thank you for your service. Hope all is going well so far for you, I'm going to add you to my buddy list. If I can ever help with something let me know, If I can't figure it out I'll find someone who can.. Take care and the best of luck!
armywife52 Premium
Yeah, fortunately i finally got that campaign running! :) Thank you sir.. & I will tell my husband. Yeah it is hard sometimes, but it's worth it when you're with the person you love :) Have a great day!
Barnabus Premium
ArmyWife..Yeah, I'm new here. I'm still trying to get the hang of this site (lol) As far as the adwords go, there are other place more than Google out there..... Good Luck.