Where I am NOW....

Last Update: May 11, 2012
 Currently I am a independent contractor for a company online. While the work is okay it is not what I wanna spend my life doing. I mean answering the phone for clients....plus having to deal with furious customers all the time." Is it to much to ask to make money and be happy? To enjoy your job?" I have dreams and aspirations that go farther than that! So I decided earlier that this year was going to be my year. The year where I make things happen for myself :) So one by one I am taking the steps necessary to accomplish my dreams. 
 One goal that I have is to make at least 300 talk minutes a day as an agent on my current job. My first day at trying to achieve this goal started today. As such I am pretty sure that I did not meet my goal, more than likely didn't even come close. Still I am proud to say that I honestly did what I could do. So with that tomorrow is another day; I will be back on the phones striving to meet my 300 talk minutes :) not giving up. One of the things that I think I am learning is "it doesn't matter if we fall, what matters is do we learn to pick ourselves up and try again." Mistakes were meant to be made so we can learn and be better. So tomorrow I will be back on the phone armed and ready with my mind set on one thing accomplishing my goal for the day :) To anyone who may read this if you are going through hard times NEVER GIVE UP!!! Instead of thinking about what you can't do, try FOCUSING on what you can do. Come up with a plan, do what you can do, put your all into it, when you hit a bump,-examine it, acknowledge what went wrong(do the opposite) and continue :)
 All the words typed in this blog I say them to myself as much as I say them to you. Repetition is good may we all take time to remind ourselves of our goals, remember why they are important, why we started the journey in the first place. Thanks for taking the time to listen :)
Signed: Never Giving Up
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Carson Premium Plus
Thanks Carson I agree 100%. I have a good feeling about WA :) Well back to work I have a goal to meet! Wish you all the best in your endeavours Carson :)