About Bpkirk
Joined May 2010
I am completely new to internet marketing and enjoy this site to learn and network with others. I am a psychotherapist and love helping people. I especially enjoy finding solutions to folks problems and matching them up with the solutions. My children are grown and now afford my wife and I the privilege of enjoying our 15 grandchildren. I look forward to succeeding and enjoying my success.
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webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
jdlape Premium
Welcome! Have a piece of gold for good luck! I've been having lots of fun, and have had 7 sales so far (5 weeks maybe?) Doesn't seem like much, but it's a start! Learning every day. If you want, you can see what I've done at All Things Emmaus
bpkirk Premium
Thank you for the welcome. Sorry I have taken so long to reply. I have been busy writing articles and setting two niches to first get familiar with the process and then I will work on becoming more familiar with the content side of things. Still trying to learn...no sales yet, but traffic is pretty good. Where do I find your site? I would love to know what you are doing differently to obtain the sales.
Naab Premium
Hello and welcome :=)
Must say youre nick is quite eye catching these days ;)
Hope you have a great time, make a lot of friends and even more money :=)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
bpkirk Premium
Thank you very much. Still learning and enjoying every moment. Bill