Attn: NEWBIES!! Evolution of a Sale should be your best friend!

Last Update: February 24, 2010

Hello everybody!!

Just wanted to give Mike and Pete a shoutout! For all you newbies out there, like me!!! I wanted to let you know about Evolution of a Sale if you haven't heard of it yet!  Mike and Pete are also newbies on WA and put together an awesome video series that really helps to cement in the concepts of INternet Marketing for beginners.  For months on here, I did the research, made the lens's on Squidoo, made some articles etc.  But I still wasn't getting it.  I was frustrated as I could see the puzzle in front of me, could see all the pieces, some were together, but the rest a big mess!

Then came along, Evolution of a Sale!! Actual videos showing you what to do, step by step.  I'm still going through it, as I have a 2 year old little girl that takes up time and doesn't like it when I'm on the computer too much lol!  But so far I'm learning so much more and everything is finally starting to make sense!

It is def. worth the money, it's not even that much, if you're a newbie out there like me and trying to figure this all out and want to know how the heck to do all this then contact Mike and Pete and try out Evolution of a Sale, trust me, you won't be dissappointed!

Just wanted to share!!

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caitenmj Premium
hey mike no problem! I am truly LOVING it!! It is EVERYTHING a newbie can look for and more!! THANKS GUYS!!!
Carson Premium Plus
loricareless Premium
thanks for the advice looking for all i can get
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Caite! Thanks so much for your kind words. Both Pete and I are completely thrilled that you are finding this useful. As you get more involved with it, you will really start to see how things tie into together!

Thanks again and let us know if you have any questions!