
Last Update: April 14, 2010


To all those that know me and have read prior posts, they know about my adhd...well I'm happy to say that I'm on a new med to help control the adhd and I'm very excited to get this under control! My biggest problem is just focus!! I always get soo distracted by EVERYTHING...but I feel more confident and the meds are starting to work, so I'm excited to get working!

Excited to promote my new site and get working on my new biz, and also, if anyone is a fan of travis bum marketing, also excited to partake in his new promotion, I can't think of another word lol, oh CONTEST!! lol....anyways, excited to work on that for his magic of making up contest lol

ALSO, getting my license back in a little less than a month! excited for that and I'll be getting a car again...and unfortunately will have to go back to work for a little while, until I get the IM and my biz under way...but still excited to get my life up and running again!

So...I'm getting to work and excited to be focused lol!

I WILL conquer my ADHD ;-)

Have a great day everyone! 

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caitenmj Premium
Thanks guys, i'm trying!!!
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Caite - that's awesome! Hopefully it all works out well for you. I'm pullin' for you!
jatdebeaune Premium
Very happy news Caite. All good stuff.