the DAM way!!

Last Update: March 20, 2010

Hello everybody!

Just wanted to write here and also to get out a motivational plan for myself.

I have done a ton of researching and learning and a little bit of implementing.  Through Evolution of a Sale, and the DAM way I am ready!!

By the way, if you haven't read the DAM way, you need to NOW, lol


So I am going to go onto gator host and purchase some domains, and bust out some articles to drive the traffic! I am excited, I was always so worried about the landing page, how to build the best one, make it easy and readable, not too much info, but just enough, the right pics the right cast, you see I've gotten plenty of visits on my lenses wk to wk, but never any purchases! So after reading the DAM way and learning about domain forwarding I am a little bit more excited!!

Then I really just need to focus on articles and getting them out there.

I have some software to try out to help spin articles and then submit them to a bunch of sites.  We shall see.  I hope to write back soon on my success!!

Take care and I hope everyone has a beautiful Saturday!! 

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Not2Late Premium
Good luck with this. Let us know how it goes!