
Last Update: March 04, 2010


So just wanted to write to let ya'll know how I'm doing at this point..not gunna lie a little frustrated!  Yes I did make my first sale but here on out I'm still so confused.  Most of it I blame on my adhd.  I get soooo easily distracted!! It's so frustrating.  I've learned soooo much and allllll of it is swiimming around in my head, and I'm like uhhh where do I go now...and I start one thing and then seem to jump to the next, mostly researching, which I know is good, but I realllly need to start implementing some more!!

I think a great idea would be to create a goal list of some sort so that I can focus on one thing, keep it in front of me so that I cannot get sidetracked and hopefully finish one thing before I jump to the next.  Also hard because when I actually do get focused, my 2 year old says, "Mommy, come snuggle with me!!!" How can I resist that?!?! Or, "Mommy, come color with me!!" Soo guess I'm just writing this blog to vent out my frustrations with myself. I have the drive in me, but I get so amped up I guess that everything starts swimming in my head and then I do more research and then my daughter distracts me...and ugh! I refuse to give up! And I WILL make this work!!

Any one else out there that have/has struggled with all of this? I'm sure there are, if you want to leave some insight or maybe some suggestions that would be great! I'm looking forward to building my own online sucess, so that when my daughter wants to spend time with me I can say, SURE! Instead of "I'm trying to make money for us!" (I have no income at the moment, and I'm stuck in the house, so a little frustrated!) lol.  I laugh at myself as I write this, but I know I can do this!!!

I hope to look back at this point in the coming months and see how far I have come!! 

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Not2Late Premium
Ahh... yes, the venerable ADD... I am seriously deficient in the focus department... and have spent a lifetime combating distractions by forcing myself to stay organized and on task but it is painful all of the time. I lose the battle on a regular basis and The Shiny Things get me more often than not. I discovered just last week that my best solution to all of this is to simply walk away when I have an attack of the distractions. And as far as your daughter being a distraction... enjoy her... because way too fast she will not be interested in distracting you and you'll wish that she was still little enough to want to! :)