About CEOofFun
Joined February 2009

My name is Tracey, I am 42 years old. I have two sons aged 21 and 13. I am a humble individual looking for honest friends to build beneficial and inspiring relationships. It has taken a year to develop my website. I have been scammed over and over it has just made even more determined. It is an evolving job I love. It is in its early stages but, I want to show that if you take time out to love "YOU" a little bit more amazing things do happen.

I am a Management Accountant Consultant by day and a computer geek by night. I am in LOVE with the internet.
CEOofFun's Accomplishments

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ElleCanuk Premium
The Utube video in your blog was fascinating.
CEOofFun Premium
Hi Elaine,

Many thanks for your post. I wish you much success in your campaign. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to ask.
ambassador Premium
Hi Tracey, just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for the inspiration.
ambassador Premium
Which one is available in Canada? The royaltec or the selfbank one? Thanks again. I guess I'll be picking your brain.
CEOofFun Premium
Hey Ambassador, My son is in East 15 Acting University in England. He has already starred in his first movie - Exodus- a small part but a start. He has numerous awards from achievements. I would love to forward some of your material to him when you are ready. I don't know what you want to market but if you are possibly interested in the mobile industry then I would highly recommend you indulge.


You get paid to use your mobile.

Another mobile business is: https://selfbankmobile.com/simplythebest. Paying for goods has just got easier. Check out the demo.

Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,

CEOofFun Premium
By the way its open only in Canada at the moment. This has just gone live. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Sign up and listen to the Webinar.
CEOofFun Premium
I recommend you watch the video first. http://www.selfbankmobile.com/videos/simplythebest

The main website is: https://selfbankmobile.com/simplythebest
Steven.P Premium
Good to meet you i'm obsessed with the internet myself I have internet dreams and ideas when I sleep nice too meet you at least i know i'm not alone!
CEOofFun Premium
Hi Travis,

Nice to meet you. I have been here a while but have been developing my own website. I can't go a day without being at my computer. Something new always pop and new ideas etc. Its crazy :-). If you are in Canada then you should take advantage of self bank mobile.

Watch the video excellent facts http://www.selfbankmobile.com/videos/simplythebest
When it finishes it will take you to a log in page. The signing up is free to get in the back office. Check out the latest webinar. Banks are finally going to have to cut costs. They wont be able to rip us off anymore.
Pillar Premium
Hi Tracey,
Ditto about the obsession... The internet is, in my view, like a garden... The more I cultivate and pay attention to what the garden needs and wants the more and better tasting fruit gets produced... Love and Light... Gary
CEOofFun Premium
Hi Gary,

Many thanks for your post. My most success is coming from the website I have developed at WA. http://www.yourhealthunwrapped.com. It is in early stages of development but I am getting over 200 visitors a day.
I hope your goal come to fruition soon.

Kind regards,

Dennis Premium
Hey there wassup how you doing hope you are doing ok. Welcome to W.A wish you all the best. Success
CEOofFun Premium
Hi Dennis,

Many thanks for your email. I wish you much success.