About Cfive
Joined January 2009
Hi my name is Chris and I live in North Carolina.

I have been out of internet marketing (IM) for about 6 years, burn out...lol. Until the end of 2002 I had a fairly successful website up on the net with mostly tangible products that required "hand" delivery. Often the products were customized. While I enjoyed the work I was boxed in; no way to grow without employees and the accompanying responsibilities.

The last two years I ran the site I averaged about $20,000 gross profit. After the events of 9-11 and a regular 9 to 5 job promotion offering, which I accepted, things got busy and complicated so I shut down my online business.

Internet marketing has really matured since. Online companies I was nervous about doing business with years ago have proven themselves. The tools and techniques have really progressed and the ones I have seen in the past few weeks really impress me. You serious IMer's deserve an "atta boy!"

I feel kind of "bummed that I have missed out on some amazing opportunities". I certainly don't feel that I have wasted my life offline. I am who I am today as a result of the things I have been through and the wonderful people that have shared their ideals with me. Even those that haven't been so friendly to me have shaped who I am and for that I am thankful, not bitter.

I joined WA to help me get up to speed on all the IM improvements and new techniques. I got burnt out trying to figure everything out myself before. This time I plan to fully utilize Wealthy Affiliate as a resource to get me to level I have never been.

What fun is there in life if you can't share with others what you have learned through trial and error? With that said, if I can ever be of assistance to you feel free to contact me I will do my level best to help you!

See you around,
Cfive's Accomplishments

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cfive Premium
Thank you to all that stop by. I look forward to working with many of you as we go on this journey. It is not all about money for me, it is about time. Gaining more time to spend with family and friends to do those things we always said we would. Time has slipped by and many of those items are still on the "to do list" Join me won't you!
gd_babe Premium
Welcome, Chris.
With your experience and drive I'm sure you'll be one of the success stories here in no time!
All the best,
cfive Premium
Thanks for the note of encouragement! I hope your doing well in your WA studies... I haven't had much spare time in the last week to do much work online. Got to get some things caught up so I can get back in the groove. I may call on you in future for some design work. Have you landed a job using your new degree? Do you have an area you specialize in...such as print, screen printing design, etc.? Chris
shaz2datop Premium
Hello & Welcome back! BTW - from your picture, I thought you were holding a joystick. I find myself becoming increasingly interested in the gaming world giving how much money is spent and made in that industry. Except from what my 20 yo. nephew tells if I see him once a quarter, I know nothing.

But I digress, I'll see you around the WA campus.
cfive Premium
Thanks for the "welcome!" Sounds like you and I are a lot alike, we try to do to much at once. I have made a goal to study some each day and then go write at least one article each day and post it. Yeah, some of them are pretty rough but practice makes perfect and most places i can "edit" later.

Fill that brain and then go turn it loose a little each day! See
ya around, Chris
Zex_e1 Premium
Ellop Chris, Welcome back to IM, 5 years offline, it doesnt mean u lose, i'll believe it u can do n become the succesfull IM. U hve a skills n u are very fast learner. ur exprience will help u. WA forum n community in the best on the world..u can post any prob..the community are ready to help u.. gud luck bro.. Nice car..how much? :P
cfive Premium
How is going Zex! I appreciate your support we'll keep in touch along the way. Hard work and study goes a long way. I am an over achiever... so focus is my weak point but I am determined to stay on track and POST my goals so I can read them daily. See you around!
glowinggal Premium
best of luck to you and welcome back to IM!!!
cfive Premium
Thanks for the welcome Amy! Your 5 month side track is better than my 5 year one... Focus and go get it done!

I'll check in on you once in while and give you a push...you do the same for me OK? Life does get in the way.

See ya around,