About Cjdever_kanata
Joined June 2010
Hi! I am a stay at home mom, hoping to become a work at home mom through internet affiliate marketing. I live in Kanata (a suburb of Ottawa) in Ontario Canada. I have two beuatiful little girls aged 2 and 4 and two step-children aged 10 and 11. We are hoping to homeschool the younger two. I love anything outdoors-y and I also love reading, sewing, and teaching my children. Our family is Christian and our faith plays an important role in our life. I feel that God has led me here to WA and I hope that He can use it to enrich (no pun intended - ok well, maybe a bit now that I think about it) our life and the lives of those around us. Have a great day and best wishes for all of our success at WA!
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webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
Tenacity Premium

Great to see that a family like yours has strong Christian belief at the core of your families life.

I am a family man living in the United Kingdom and it is very difficult here to keep our faith strong the british society and we often get persicuted (not sure if this is spelt correctly) by people who simply don't understand.

I would very much like to become friends with you and to seek your advice on wealthy affiliate as i am a returnee after finishing my fitness diploma. My Christian faith plays a big role in my business and would love to share my experiences with another practising Christian.

Hope to hear from you.
Tenacity Premium
Thank you for your reply, it's good to speak with a fellow Christian. I am currently working through the 12 week action plan and hope to start making this work with my own business,
The typo error was not noticed until you pointed it out and i don't think it really matters anyway, but thanks for the correction.
How are things at your end? Are you managing to work through the action plan ok? I have not looked at it for a couple of week, so i will have to do some catching up. Let me know how you are doing and maybe we could bounce some ideas around
cjdever_kanata Premium
Hi there,
Sorry I took so long to reply to your comment in my WA space. I put it aside until I "had time to write a well thought out answer", but of course that never happened and then I got busy reading tutorials and doing keyword research etc.. So here I am, just writing whatever comes into my mind so that you don't think I'm being rude and ignoring your message. :) I'm glad to see that there's at least one other Christian at WA. I know how you feel about sometimes feeling persecuted. I don't know what the general attitude is at WA, but I think I am going to try to neither hide my faith nor openly evangelize, and see what happens. I have offered prayers for someone else here who was having personal trials, and it was warmly received. So we'll see. I would like to make sure that my faith plays a big role in my internet marketing, but am finding that I am too eager to just get on with it, and have to sometimes force myself to slow down and pray about my campaigns. It would be great to have another Christian to share experiences with, as you say. I'm currently trying to sort out the whole issue of whether or not to promote products that I have not personally tried of bought. Do you have any thoughts on that? There seems to be a pretty even split of opinions for and against in the WA forums. Well, sorry again for the delay in replying. Hope things are going well for you, so far.
cjdever_kanata Premium
Sorry, I just noticed a typo in the message I just sent you. "tried of bought" should be "tried or bought."
martyn01202 Premium
Thanks for the buddy request
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
martyn01202 Premium
Welcome to WA. It sounds like your faith is driving you in the right direction.
cjdever_kanata Premium
Thanks for the encouragement.