About Corinne
Joined March 2010
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mailman Premium
Thanks for the welcome. Love the view on your picture!
mailman Premium
I'm glad I'm not your mailman - hate walking up hills, but living on an island must be relaxing - no traffic as in the big cities, beautiful scenery, just layout on the beach whenever you want. I better stop bec I may want to reenlist in the Navy again..=)
Corinne Premium
That's a little village on the island where I live. The mailman must hike every week to go there: no roads, no cars.. :)
Corinne Premium
I'm also glad not to live in this village. I went there only to relax and do some hiking. I will have to buy a helicopter to live there: for that I have to succeed as an IM.. :)
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Corinne, I'm just stopping by to welcome you aboard!! Everybody Knows (as with anything else in life) there are some Basic KNOWLEDGE and Simple SKILLS necessary to achieve Above-Average Success. Congratulations on taking a step in that Direction! Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Corinne, I Appreciate You! So happy you are my friend. : ) Y-O-U-R- W-E-L-C-O-M-E!!
Corinne Premium
Hi Marty, thanks for your warm welcome.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Corinne Premium
Hi Louise
Merci pour le message de bienvenue :)
AnthonyH Premium
Welcome Corinne!
Corinne Premium
Thanks Anthony. Looking forward to chat with you
Peedsbornagain Premium
Corrine ..welcome to WA .. I wish you a lot of happiness and joy and success... keep at it .. Cheers
Peedsbornagain Premium
Corinne you're never alone ... no worries ... let me know if u need any kinda help ping me ... Cheers
Peedsbornagain Premium
Total wish you All the Best ....and dont be a stranger
Corinne Premium
Thanks for your welcome Peedsbomagain. I'm glad that I've found the WA. And it's nice to see that I'm not alone :)