Free Google Suggest Tool/Scraper

Last Update: December 14, 2011

Hi WA,

 So I came across a great site/tool the other day and figured why not share it with you.

On the WA blog some time ago Kyle created a post about using Google Instant/Suggest to find keyword phrase etc, you can read the post here:

The Google Suggestion tool displays phrases as you type in the search field like this:


But Google will only display a max of 4 suggestions at a time.  Will return every single suggestion within a few seconds, plus it will allow you to export to a txt file. You simple enter the main phrase and hit Suggest.

It will then return a list of suggestions, as you scroll down the page it will display the suggestions with each letter of the alphabet added.

Want to dig deeper? simple click on any phrase and it will dig deeper.

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mhamilt Premium
That is mind bogglingly useful. Thank's so much! Mark.
PopTart8 Premium
Awesome Welshy! What a wealth of info and I'm glad you and your family are making it.
Don't forget to take Easter pictures
chris evs Premium
great tool, been looking for something this effective ever since I fell out of favor with wordtracker.
aeromic Premium
That's really a very great tool to find low competition keywords. Wonderwheel used to be a great tool that does the same but now it's gone. This is a very nice alternative.
jatdebeaune Premium
What a great tool! Thank you.