Posts by Daniel Euergetes 185
This one's fresh out of the oven.Dream'd morning of Monday, August 13, 2012In this dream I was at Florida College and was in the midst of moving, or about to, from one tenement to another. There was something ominous about this whole thing. I was with familiar people but there was a sense of urgency. There was a problem with the one I was in and had been shown the other. It had some funny quarks about it but there was still something inside of me that was disturbing. I had caught the dia
ENHYPNEDELEO MOY (I reveal my dream) Dream'd the morning of June 16, 2002I have couple years of un-tltled dreams. This one was one of them. I didn't search very long this morning when I came upon this one. When engaging in recording dreams, I would be at my keyboard with no lighting and can type when semi-conscious. The writing in these consistently take on a totally different language and note that everything seems to flow spontaneously as in real life.It has a lesson in creativity. I s
August 09, 2012
From a friend and elder whom I have great respect.Everything else in the letter was very positive but this last statement."I would encourage you to diligently seek employment opportunities in the Temple Terrace area. I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of confidence that your attempts to start up an internet-based business will ever pan out."It is not out of disrespect I've publicized this, but the common belief itself. This is where I really need the support, to prove that this isn
I would like to start a small series on dreams. I have, for many years, tapping to this resource. There are many, many things we get from our dreams.Remember that our bodies and subconscious minds do not know the difference between reality and surreality. This is why something as unreal as something that is, when perceived, can cause great emotional effects.This is why we can feel euphoria or pain simply on things which are inside of us that are not even real. Through these resources we can heal
August 02, 2012
Things were looking very up for some time and about two weeks ago took an abrupt turn. Am I WA-ready, or better put, am I socially ready to meet the challenges of Internet marketing? I realize this is now a bit different than what was here, but essentially the same thing and certainly comes down to being able to function inside this industry.In one week's time, outside, I was dismissed from many things.I had used my GoPro camera at an inopportune time, causing the loss of a job.I changed my
Some of the blog posts I'd gotten a couple days ago are right on the spot.It deals with rejection from where there was once a fairly close friendship. This is an area where I fail most miserably.In a nutshell, it's letting others control me. I don't mean being put to work. What I do mean is letting the actions of others control how I'm going to handle it.It is never nice when you say something you mean well in saying but it backfires and you get shown the door instead.It has happ
July 24, 2012
Known as the "chronicler" in the north, it may have new, but very old additions to my arsenal: I have an expert right here very close. We need to start talking.I'm getting a good foothold with two of my websites. My landlord and I share the same concerns about holistic lifestyles and and there are endless opportunities. We can produce physical CDs for the local area and I have several books now that are getting close to being at the quality that they can be published. One may even expand to
July 23, 2012
Plan B is going into effect.For me, I was not blessed with a family, but I can still shuffle around my time. In fact, I had planned an alternate schedule allowing evening sessions for add'l work on projects. This shortened evening schedule starts exactly 12 hours after the morning one. I need to add the three afternoon sessions to the beginning of the evening schedule. Retiring is still at 11:00 or so for me. Not much to say here really, except for having already done the legwork of setting
July 23, 2012
A Rant: So you were warned...What's been happening here is incredibly exciting! I have never had the feelings of sheer excitement up to the last webinar. Really, it is much like finding lost treasure.However things on the other side are getting equally-screwed up.My scooter broke. Had to push it all the way home. It happened at a time when I happen to be broke.I've been having no end of trouble with my phone (magicJack) Don't get it! It's nothing but trouble.One of my bank accoun
Parochial school, 1967. First GradeMy campaign proposal:Deliberately misspell the word "cat." I probably used the 'k' ...this did not fool the nun. She knew I was better than that and was not impressed with my humbleness.All campaigns that fail the marketing test need further research...She made me write the word out 500 times on a yellow line-ruled paper in rows and columns. With the wide lined-penmanship paper we had, it probably took several leaves of paper to finish the task. At the