2012 - Day 013 - A Dumb Question Is the One Never Asked...or Is It?
I'm new to physical product marketing. Due to impoverishment, I've done very little with Amazon, so I don't even know my way around there. I've asked some questions that, to some, would appear very dumb...as if I should know these things.
Well, I don't but I'm learning.
There's a heck of a lot of things that, at my age, I should know by now...but I don't. So forgive me if I do ask some pretty lame questions sometimes. Believe me...it has to do very much with being severely isolated throughout my life. Life can be and often is very frustrating for me...and for those who hear some of the things I say. The best way I can put it is...I'm doing what I can to account for myself and get moving in life. If some of it seems juvenile, pointless or just plain stupid...it probably is. I have my good days and I have my bad. It shows up in my writing.
I sometimes take things meant to be a joke literally because I can't always tell the difference. Writing has always and probably always will be my choice in communications. At least I don't stutter with that. I still can't explain myself verbally very well. I'm nowhere near as fast with my tongue as I am with writing. I can think much quicker with my written words than with spoken ones.
I've had people try to help me here and due to issues I deal with, it has gone sour. I regret that this happens sometimes. Believe me, I'm trying to catch up. I'm trying to work with my own mindset...and is why I've written the kind of books that I have.
I realize there must be others like myself whom I could help...even if it is in being able to relate.
A lot of times I hold my questions to myself and try to figure out the answers on my own. I think I asked such a question in the WAbinar that really needed to be left out. I got in there late and probably asked something that was already discussed. I'm very sorry. I left the WAbinar because of this, knowing I could benefit just as much from the recording than to have cut into it like I did.
It might not seem to some people that I'm serious about this business on all levels. Some of it doesn't come easy for me, but I choose to live up to the things I've written myself...and one of those is...never give up.
I found some possible niches but not sure if they are good ones. They're better than the ones I was already in. I'm to choose one. Not sure which is the best one. It was probably another dumb question that didn't deserve an answer...that I need to be figuring it out for myself.
For dumb questions that I do ask, my deepest apology. Some dumb questions are not dumb when not asked despite the cliche. I believe this cliche applies to those questions we perceive as dumb as opposed to the ones that actually are.
As for the work I'm doing in physical product marketing, I am relieved that parts of the process are familiar to me (SEO, etc.)
As for the questions, I find it hard to deem which ones are truly dumb...and which ones are, only of perception, to be so.