2012 - Day 048 - Nearing the End of the Job! Marathon Coming!

Last Update: February 18, 2012

Nearing the End of the Job!  Marathon Coming!

It is very good I've been able to get the income up I need to continue WA, get my phone back, Jaaxy, Aweber, and one of my campaigns before the domain goes back in the pot.

However, this job has done two things...shows how undisciplined I still am and the lack of willpower to get things done in spite of the higher load...

It also shows how I must review some of the things I've written in my book on this topic...because in some situations, trying to do Internet marketing is nearly impossible unless some major changes are made on the person's life who aspires to do this but has a full load already.

If I wind up in a job that is way across town or across the bay, that would knock out all possibilities of ever being able to work on my campaigns during the week.  The job would still endure the initial nine hours plus the travel time. 




Suggestion made via comment to put task content into tables.

My WA Spaces Daily Planner & Gratitude and Achievement Journal

  • Gratitude:  I am grateful that the current job is getting over.  We will probably finish today!  This will have netted me some income to last a little while.
  • Today's Top Opportunity:  With the coming of some time off, (I think) I will be moving intently on writing the rest of the articles needed for GoPro (helmet, naked and other major products in their own reviews.)  The job may be seamless, however and we move straight onto another job.
  • What needs to be done today?
    1. Work twelfth day with Ret.
    2. Do what it takes to improve ranking for the GoPro site, now that it is finally showing in the SERPs.
    3. Research individual URLs for  Michael's campaign
    4. Set up the plugins in AHSups so they are doing what they are supposed to be doing and begin matching the site with AHSMD, starting with the header and menu systems.  Get rid of the default posts and pages.
    5. Fill in the space between finished writing in the AHSMD Report and the Pros/Cons section.
  • What have I done today?
    1. Worked twelfth day with Ret
    2. Nothing else got done and will be carried over to the next day.
    3. nil
    4. nil
    5. nil
  • What Is My ToDo List for Tomorrow? (to be completed near the end of the current day.)
    1. Clean the church building
    2. Do what it takes to improve ranking for the GoPro site, now that it is finally showing in the SERPs.
    3. Research for individual URLs for Michael's campaign.
    4. Set up the plugins in AHSups so they are doing what they are supposed to be doing and begin matching the site with AHSMD, starting with the header and menu systems.  Get rid of the default posts and pages.
    5. Fill in the space between finished writing in the AHSMD Report and the Pros/Cons section.
  • Plan B (To Be Done Should There Be Bad Weather or Other Interruption)
    1. Work further into the WABinars that can help me with my campaign.
    2. Go through books and store some of them behind AntiNicene Fathers.
    3. Work on clutter which is now mostly confined to the dining area in camper.
    4. Fix the microwave door so it is not so hard to open.
    5. Deep-clean shower area.
  • I appreciate the following Individual[s] because...  Ret He was on the telephone all the way home last night but cut off the person he was talking to because he wanted to show me gratitude by "saying good night properly" to me.

What are five things I accomplished today?

  1. We are nearly completed with the house we have been doing the tile job.
  2. nil
  3. nil
  4. nil
  5. nil

My Task Bank

Solved Problems/Problems in works:

  • Not all of the clutter was done, so carried over.
  • Not all of the History materials of this was done, but not all of it, so carried over.
  • John wants the house pressure washed.
  • $359.88 for a year's membership at Wealthy Affiliate has been raised.
Unresolved Problems:
  • Clutter in camper.  Still working on the clutter.  Much of it is now in the cabinets which are now in place and functional.
  • Roof leak in front of camper.  The roof is still leaking.
  • Septic problem.  Run a septic line to the main line from the house and tap into it.  It will cost about $100 for materials to do this.
  • Support for awning coming off.  Take the pressure off it by putting the awning all the way up and reinstalling it to the camper by putting a bolt and nut through however way it can be done.
  • Water heater not working.  It needs to be repaired or get an electric water heater.  There is a four-gallon heater for about $218.  The water heater can be installed above where the bookshelf is now.  There will need to be adaptors for the camper's piping to the conventional on the heater.
  • Broken windshield.  It will cost about $200 to have the windshield replaced.  Someone can come out and do it.
  • Camper will not start.  Not only does the camper need to be started, it also needs to be moved slightly so the tires to not rot.  The battery needs to be tested and then charged if still good.  If not, it's time for a new battery.
  • Auxiliary batteries dead or not charging.  The batteries need to be tested.  They did not take a charge when I tried last year.  New ones need to be purchased if this is the case.
  • Dirty and dusty conditions in camper.  When the clutter problem is resolved I will be able to clean out this camper very well.  Eventually the carpet needs to be torn out and replaced with the wooden flooring I have in the shed.  Outside of some of the clutter cleaned up, nothing else besides the counter has been cleaned.
  • Microwave door hard to open (broken door pull.)  Attach a new door pull to it.  The old one needs to be broken off all the way.  Not yet repaired.
  • Shed needs to be cleaned out.  Any tools, articles, everthing not useful needs to be disposed of.  Not yet been cleaned out.
  • Lawn mower has no place to be stored.  It needs to be stored back where it was and covered.  It is now covered with the mop pail.
  • Lawn mower will not run.  Needs new spark plug and other work.  The carburator probably needs cleaning.  Also the blade needs replacing with the new blade I had bought but never installed.  This has not yet been done.
  • Charging unit in this camper not functioning?  Find out if it is the batteries.  The charging unit may be just fine.  This has not yet been done.
  • Panel for charging unit needs to be put on.  This has not yet been done.
  • AC unit for this camper needs to be reassembled.  Try to get the AC unit working.  It will be used on the hottest days, or at night.  Found the components having been sitting in water on the roof.  It appears they are destroyed.
  • AC unit cap needs to be fixed so it can be bolted down.  Figure out how to fix this so it can be bolted down.  Else it will fly off if on the Interstate or other highway.  This has not yet been done.
  • The water tanks and entire system in this camper needs to be drained and sanitized.  The problem with smelly water seems to have been in the long hose which is no longer in the system.  Though this sanitization still needs to be done, having changed the water line has fixed this problem.
  • John wants a new sidewalk put in. Not done.
  • John wants a rubbish enclosure built. Not done.
  • John wants the roof pressure washed. Not done.
  • John wants new shutters put up on the side of the house. Not done.
  • John wants that area landscaped. Not done.
  • John wants the rose garden weeded. Not done.
  • The remaining loose cassette tapes need to be stored in the shelving or in the compartment above the dining table. Not done.
  • All history materials can go into the compartment above the dining room table.  This will be its new home.  This will include cassettes, documents and photographs. Not done.
  • The books need to be gone through.  The less useful books in all collections need to go behind the Anti-Nicene Fathers volumes.  The rest need to go under the table.  Not done.
New Problems:
  • The water pipe project is going to have to sit for now.
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