2nd Try for Purchasing a GoPro Camera...

Last Update: May 12, 2012
Ebay does have the best deals on these. This time I found another one about the same price as the one I tried to purchase before.

The seller lives only 25 miles from here. He has a perfect feedback rating and has been on for about a year. It seems to be a much better situation...and it is under Buyer's Protection, so if this turns out to be another bad listing, it's covered.

Hopefully I will have my new GoPro HD Hero 2 Camera Motorsports Edition on Thursday!

Better get it now before the money is gone. Hopefully that won't be an issue either. This was not a very good week for me at WA. Some other things came up that needed my attention. I should be getting back into the swing and get more content up on my campaign. Life is slowly getting better! It is FAR better now than it was this time last year...when I was making my way to Massachusetts for one of the worst trips up there I had ever had.

I've found some excellent programs that are helping me with things that has been thwarting my efforts in IM and social skills.

Getting this camera is going to help me with my campaign...and others besides!
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Sielke Premium
Awesome! You won't be disappointed. I got this camera a few years ago and have it on a few surfboards. Maybe I'll get a good shot in the next big swell to share.
One of my upcoming posts on my campaign will be about a sea faring adventure of the GoPro camera beginning its quest to the bottom of the sea from a surfboard!
mhamilt Premium
My brother has one of these cameras and they are fabulously good fun!
With the thousands of videos and images taken with the cameras all over the place and easily out numbering the same from other cameras combined, these all can't be wrong when they endorse this camera!

The first time I tried to order one (from eBay) I got stung (along with 132 other buyers, when the perpetrators sent insignificant pieces of rubbish to the buyers instead of cameras. I received the back of an old transistor radio and an instruction booklet belonging to some smart phone.

Others got old dirty neck ties, rags, cheap cloth bags and other useless junk.

I might be a glutton for punishment, but know not all eBay transactions are bad. In fact, this is only the second time I've been ripped off on eBay in ten years and have purchased a lot of stuff through the auction site.

It saves me $40 to go through eBay, without shipping fees. To some of the heavy hitters here, this savings would be considered too insignificant to do this in the riskier eBay way.

If I did get ripped off again, I'm at least protected though it would cause more delay in getting the camera.