A Terrifying Experience!

Last Update: December 28, 2011

I was in my Journal and found this in the sea of writing.

It was a dream I had in late May of 1989.  It was so disturbing back then that I wrote about it.  It isn't so much the dream itself that is so frightening as is the way things are right now...including Internet marketing.  Whilst there is nothing new with the way things are now, how this dream parallels with how things are is pretty creepy.


     I was in an open field with a distant, lone dwellingplace
there.  Woods were afar off and the road was gravel.  I went to the
place and it was where my father was.  He rambled on the way he
used to and brought out a Thermos container that had a pop-up spout
made of plastic.  He said he had it for a long time.  I could see
against the blue sky a medium-sized broiling pan with flowers that
was given to him by mother.  It represented to me being kicked out
of the family.  Its smallness represented his loneness.  The
dwellingplace turned into a small camper that was falling apart. 
I could see a plastic sub-siding under its outside siding.  I could
hear my father say, "Don't mess with it!"  He had a Jeep Wagoneer
that looked in good shape.  And I thought about having it.  I could
see the inscription that said, "The man which had nothing, even
that which he had would be taken away."  And I could see it fit his
slothfulness.  But I went near the Wagoneer to see that it was
bondoed up and it had bad suspension and was really a junk.  And I
began to walk off, he started coming and I could see that he was
fastened to a heavy chain and he was trying to walk down the road. 
I was grieved to see it and I saw heavy clouds way off in the
distance and I said to him in anquish and tears, "It was all your
own doing!"  I looked and he was gone and I was the one on the end
of the chain...

I had aught with my father back in those days.  He had died a few years before I wrote the above.

I put this here because it has everything to do with my Internet marketing and everything else in life that I have stood for.  My Journal is so vast there are places I've not read since writing them.  This isn't one of those cases.  I've seen this before...but not in the light of how things are today...

  • I'm living in a broken camper.
  • I live next to a field and there is a gravel road right near.  It is a bit different than the scenario in the dream but is nonetheless there. 
  • I have been disowned by my family.  I did get a call from my younger sister.  It lasted five seconds...a forced "Merry Christmas" and then hung up.
  • I've had just about everything I once had taken away by theft and time.   I am missing some very basic things in life that most people take for granted.
  • My landlord called me "lazy" because I have not found a job yet. 
  • The gifts I do get are tiny indeed (but from the hearts of those who have given them, as Jay rightfully says...it's the act of giving that counts.)  I can tell which gifts come with the heart...and which ones don't.  When I give a gift...I mean it.
  • The siding on this camper awfully fits the description of the one in the dream.
  • There is a Wagoneer just outside my door.  It isn't mine and though it doesn't have bondo, it is rough and is not driveable.  Frightfully, this Jeep is strikingly in the same position and proximity to my camper as it was in the dream except it is a little further to the left and not so forwardly as in front.  It is, however very nearly placed as such.
  • My father was contained in a prison of his own making...and died that way.
  • So am I.  (A living dog is better than a dead lion.)

I'm scared to death about this whole thing.  Want to talk about something that makes the hair stand up on the back?  My head is reeling after finding this by accident this morning.

I have two days to come up with my subscription here.  I have made little progress with that since my last post.  I'm sure there are a handful here that are ecstatic that I'm on my way out...but most I feel are either indifferent...or sad that this would happen to any member.  I am different, there's no question about it. Sometimes my own mind scares me but I've been trying to use it for the good.

How is this about IM?  

The writing above says it all.  This is beyond the subconscious mind at work.  I'm not sure right now what to make of it.  Is it destiny?  ...or have I done this to myself?  I want to just leave this camper and run away from it as far as I can go.  Why is there such an accurate description of life in a dream I had so long ago?  Belief systems can cause dreams like the above.  It can also imprison any of us who let it happen.  It's probably too late for me for WA.  I dreamed this over 20 years ago.  How can life be so accurate?

This is not made up else I wouldn't write it.  Why can I know so much about Internet marketing, how to write, and still not be making the grade?

This is my question about marketing...  It's been said that anybody can do this.  With the fact that I believe fully in WA and the methods done here, I've written three posts here since my last one.  I've taken them all off because nobody is reading them...or so it seems.  No matter how hard I try, it seems I'm destined according to what I dreamed so long ago.  Internet marketing isn't the problem.  I've been told from time to time that what I say and what I do appear to be two different things.  It's not what I intend.  Do people here get the same feelings?  I recognize that if this is happening here and in the close circle I'm in, it's probably happening everywhere.  I need to know if I should even try to pay my subscription or let this whole thing go.  Kyle, Carson and Jay are also welcomed to give their honest assessment.  Until all hope is lost, I'm still not giving up.  This is all about marketing on the Internet...whether I am ultimately able to do this or not.

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jatdebeaune Premium
PS, I didn't mean pass them around during services. Hah, that would be funny. Your minister will help you, I'm sure. You can print a simple flyer on a colored stock, so that it'll stand out and post it wherever you are allowed to post, like at the supermarket maybe, or any place people frequent. It'll just cost you the price of black ink and a pack of colored paper.
This is a great idea within the congregation and people I know personally, but again, got to be very careful when dealing with people I don't know. I'm not perfect at doing handyman work...but I can do it, I'm slow at it. People want a great job done but they don't want you putting in the required time to do things right...and then they come after you because you've done a ship-shod job. That's a vicious cycle. It's different, once again, to be doing this for a home investor who wants a house turned out for the market in three days (often resulting in serious band-aid jobs!) Whilst your suggestion to do this within the church where I go is colossal, offering my services like this to the general public would be setting myself up for trouble. My landlord's son has a business in home renovations and has no end of trouble with irate people. I'll keep to the people I know personally and offer my services to them. They tend to be much more sensible about this type of stuff...or I will work for employers that are licensed to do the work...and are adequately covered if I make mistakes...which cannot be avoided.
jatdebeaune Premium
Great to work with just the people you know. That can add up. I know what you mean about doing things right. There's a guy who helps us with repairs. He's a fine cabinet maker who also hires himself out to do small repairs. He fixed a lintel that was destroyed by water. Did a perfect job, but it ended up costing over a thousand dollars. We were pleased with the work and gulped at the price. He explained he has to charge for his time. And we wanted a good job, not slip shod. There are also people who don't care about cost. They just want it done. Great to get a couple of those.
I hope the general contractor comes through because it affords me income without being tied down to a day job. Outside of my WA/hosting/domain expenses, my living runs well under $8,000/year to be comfortable. I'm sure people reading this shudders at that but that's what it takes for me in the living conditions I have. I realize this could be better.
...and no. I would NEVER pass stuff like this around during services. That WOULDN"T be funny! It's bad enough there are some teen-agers who text during worship and someone got gum in the carpet in the back!
jatdebeaune Premium
Daniel, I think we are all often haunted by disturbing memories. When we allow them into our present thoughts, we just keep that hurt alive. My dad died when I was eight years old, and I have memories of that loss that upset me to this day. They even wake me at night. It hurts so much whenever I think about it, I just do whatever I can to switch screens to a happier thought. It helps to get philosophical and say to yourself, this is life. There are good things and bad things to experience, or things that make you happy and things that cause you to feel sad. It's the "contrast" that is "life" and it enables you to know the difference between the two. It helps you to appreciate the happier things. You had a profound dream that allowed you to see how you are identifying with your dad, and replicating his experience. You're not your dad. You know you're unique, and that's good. You have lots of talents and opportunities, and that's good too. I have an idea. You seem to know how to fix things and do building stuff. Since you are close to your church, talk to your priest or minister about offering your services to parishioners as a handyman. He might have some ideas. You can print up some flyers and pass them around. Charge them fairly for your services. Bet you can get a lot of work just from the church. If you do a good job, word of mouth will carry you. The good thing is you will be in charge of your own hours. Does that sound like a feasible plan?
Hi Joan, Right now, there is a general contractor from our little congregation that has approached me and has offered to put me on helping him. This is, of course, contingent that he gets the jobs he bids for. The church here knows very well what has been going on and what you have mentioned above is indeed happening. As for the dream, yes, it is a shocker. But what was moreso was recognizing the striking relationship between the dream and what is right outside my door as I write to you. That may be entirely coincidental but nonetheless really wakes me up to the fact that I need to be trying a lot harder...which I am. As for the handyman work, it stays "under the table" because by law a license to do this is required in this state. There are too many people who have been burned by botched up results and so, it's either through employment or personal relationships I do my work in this area. I tried to do this with my sister...renovated her kitchen and bathroom last summer. I had to deal with her boyfriend in this...who took me for a ride and then dumped me off (I don't mean this literally of course.) He got a beautiful kitchen and bathroom out of the deal and I barely got enough out of it to pay one month's rent and partially pay for my trip back to Florida. On top of this, I found out the hard way that working for family is not the best of ideas. My sister has disowned me over the battles to get my money for that job. Whew! Am I ever glad to be back in Florida!
Ty Johnson Premium
I don't know you but I have some thoughts on what you wrote, Sometimes life is tricky, even more tricky than our dreams, ever heard anyone say truth is stranger than fiction?

First I don't think you should quit WA or anything else you are doing in life based on what other people think. If you don't mind me being blunt that is an ass backwards way of thinking. Visionaries, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, whatever name they call people like us do not get things done and build new things because we pay attention to what others think!

If I listened to what other people thought I would never have become a sales man, or bought my own business. Let me tell you a small bit about me.

My name is Ty Johnson, I was born in Florida, I have lived in almost half of the 50 states in the US, no not an army brat, my father was a very good business man but after he came back from Vietnam he never could get settled in one place for much more than a year or two.

Had he stayed in one place I guess I would have been just fine for the rest of my life but all that moving was very expensive, just about the time he would get a business up and running and making a killer profit he would sell out load up and move on, you see he needed the adventure.

As he grew older and his health started to give out he could no longer go out and build a business in 5 months time. Please don't ask me how he did it, I wish I knew but he was an amazing man. Anyway as I was saying, times got hard for us. We had one more big business after I was grown, J&J plumbing in Sunbury OH

Yes I was a plumber before I started my own purified water business. I found myself many times so broke I couldn't afford food and rent. I had to move back in with my mother in my early 30s That was really hard of course as I have been supporting myself since I was 16 or 17 years old.

I am telling you this because what I am going to tell you is not going to be easy for you to hear. I want you to understand where it's coming from because these words are meant to help you not in anyway hurt you or ridicule you.

You mentioned in that dream that you turned around in anguish and pain and said "It was all your
own doing!" It seems to me that what you are seeing is a refection of yourself.

I discovered after having to move back in with my mother I felt very sorry for myself, depressed, unsure of myself, I started second guessing everything I did or wanted to do. I felt trapped like caged animal, taken out of my element and placed in isolation.

One day I was feeling sorry for myself something awful, and I am not exactly sure what it was or what triggered it but I just got mad, I mean mad like I have never been mad before, and I am not know for my long fused temper but this was different.

All of the disgust and guilt over all of those years of stupid mistakes and wrong decisions came bubbling up from inside, I was mad at myself, I didn't hate myself I was just angry with myself, I could see really clearly what I needed to be doing with my life.

I didn't make any sacred pacts with myself or anything but something just changed inside of me, I started to follow my own nose or my own radar if you will, Other people will always tell you that you can't do something or tell you it's really hard or everyone would be doing it, or whatever, the point is fuck them, what have they done for you, why should you take there advice or let someone else tell you to quit WA, if they don't like you they don't have to talk to you.

You said something else that I will have to disagree with, (A living dog is better than a dead lion.) using this metaphorically I would rather be the lion.

The fact is at the end of the day the one to blame for where you are is you, you are responsible for the choices you make, no one else, just you and you alone, So you have a choice to make in life, a big change may be needed, maybe making amends with the family, only you know the answer to that but if I were in your shoes I would do anything I could to make up with my family if it were possible but also I would do everything I could to get a job.

You need to see after your essentials in life and I am including WA an essential, I truly believe that WA is a essential part of life for you, You must keep at this until you succeed, I mean seriously do you have a choice? or perhaps something better to do?

I hope to see you stick around here and become a success story.
There is nothing hard about any of these words. Do you know why I wrote "a living dog is better than a dead lion?" My father is dead. There is not one single thing that can be done to improve my father. He's gone. I, on the other hand, am still alive and can do something about my life. I am going through a transition in life and it is sometimes very painful. What you wrote above makes very good sense. I've recognized some of what I've been doing here has been doing more harm than good and is the light from what I've spoken. There are two things here...I want to be able to fill my space and not be a liability. I've half a life of that kind of thing and it's coming to a head. There is not much more I can do with my family except let time take its course. What has happened there is a result of sheer misunderstanding about Daniel than anything else and being "different" has not helped. You are totally right about not letting others do my thinking for me. I do, however have serious concerns at times about my own abilities. I have no doubts that the dream I had so many years ago was my own mind trying to convey a message to turn around. My father died a very lonely man and I don't want to follow suite. He left us terribly unprepared to function properly in life. For me, it has been a very long journey...just like yourself. I suffer from PTSD to this day but I have been actively working on this problem. As for jobs, I have been actively seeking employment for months now but I do not have a good report at all. I can't account for my time for the last six years being fired from three jobs in a row and then two years with no verifiable employment. It's only been since I've been a member here that I've actually began to "find" myself. It actually started before this time but really accelerated since joining here. As for the lion or the dog...I'd much rather be the dog because the dog has hope and the lion has none. I have long known that I'm responsible for what I do. It took me many years to learn not to make bad decisions that put me where I am today. Again, I was ill prepared as a child and if anything helped me it has been my writing, for I have been on the longest of journeys riding on a pen. Why I felt the need of a consensus from WA members has been from my own feelings of inadequacy and a perhaps overcharged feeling that I have caused a lot of distraction and adversely hurt others' experiences here with my issues. It's exactly why I made the vows below. I stand by what I've said, but limiting my content to Internet marketing would best be reworded to "entrepreneurship," because then this takes in a far more holistic approach to IM...which is in part. I actually find what you've said encouraging and in no way am I unhappy about it. Wealthy Affiliate is both a want and a need for me. It, for me, has been a place of growth. Outside of WA I've had very little support, though there have been individuals who helped me keep my mind. I have been thrown out into the world to fend for myself without a sword or a shield...or anything much more than nakedness. Life has been hard but along the road I've picked up things that most people pass by. Many of these items are well-known to those who walk opposite the herd. I'm just now learning how to use them. I strongly believe WA was one of those items. I knew it the instant I found it but could not join until over a year later. There was simply something about the landing page as it was back then, that made me track it down and join. Thank you for your incredible thoughts. They are highly appreciated!
Ty Johnson Premium
as far as the dog and the lion goes I guess they way I was thinking about it is a bit different, I figure we all die at some point, the dog and lion to me represent how we live our life in the time we have here. sooner or later that dog is going to die just like the lion but in the end all we have in this world is our legacy. how will people remember you when your gone? I do see where you are coming from on that, we are saying the same thing I think just saying differently. Maybe in time your family will see that you have changed and come to respect that, as for a job, have you looked into writing for profit? WA members are always hiring articles out and if nothing else I don't think it's that hard to earn enough to pay for WA, who knows if you get good you might make a regular pay check out of it.

My thought are with you on your journey, I wish you success and sooner than later
magistudio Premium Plus
"Why can I know so much about Internet marketing, how to write, and still not be making the grade?" - Hey Daniel, What niches are you involved in beyond promoting WA?

Have you thought about promoting physical products?
There are a plethora of physical niches available to promote... heck you can promote camper accessories! Turn the negative into a positive and make income off your own 'bane of existence'. All I am saying is that there are many opportunities available to be taken IF you allow yourself to take action. I think there are many people within WA that believe in you and you now need to believe in yourself. Even if your WA membership expires, you can still take enormous action and find something to promote.
I had a comment here that was far too long, so I'm going to do this over. I am attempting to promote alternative medicine for a very close friend...in exchange for his mentoring and coaching me with my problems. For several years I have developed a global website which has been revamped several times. It is going through this for the sixth time now, trying to implement the post-Panda regime that now exists on the Internet. I have also developed a local website. You are right. I need to look into promoting physical products...something I'm not too sure how to do, but know there's resources here for that. It seems to be a different ball of wax than what I'm accustomed to. I'm not sure how to make an Amazon-like appearance to the global website. The local is solely for to get clients in to see the doctor. I developed it with P3M in mind...and what I've learned here about LSI. I've had a plethora of interruptions over the last two year and have been experiencing the worst bout of instability, losing electricity, my place of living, Internet for extended periods of time. It has done nothing less for me than to cause total confusion and disorganization. I've had a grand opportunity earlier this year here...destroyed by this kind of on-going stuff. It is extremely difficult to play down the poverty I've been in when it keep coming behind me and biting me you know where. I need WA at this point. I strongly feel my efforts would very soon fall apart without it. On top of that, outside of church, it has been one of the greatest sources of inspiration and encouragement for me. I'm not ready to let this go, unless it's the general consensus that I do so. I appreciate you and others believing in me because there are definitely times when I don't believe in myself. Tonight at the singing, a general contractor walked up to me out of the blue and offered to have he help him do a tile job, incl. chair rails and crown moulding...if he gets the job. That will procure my place here for another year and I will feel much better about where I stand now. Thank you Jay for posting here. I really want things to turn around for myself and show this membership that even I can do this.