Alarm Clock! (again...)

Last Update: December 12, 2011

This post is going to be short.  The last one I wrote evidently had not been read and perhaps it is the sheer length that turns people away.

Yes, Daniel is now employed (temporarily.)  Time is fleeting so I must drill out my thought quickly and be out the door.

I will now be able to meet my rent and electricity (if this job continues.)  What's my "position?"  I look forward each day to stuffing envelopes instead of writing.  I'm making the minimum wage.  It is a far cry from living the life of my dreams and on my own terms, but now is expedient.

If this job holds out for a month's time, I might be able to renew my yearly subscription.  If not, well, I'm on the year's subscription and from what I understand there is no going back to monthly (don't want that anyway) subscription.

So, WHAM!  Startled out of my sleep, forced into compliance of the clock.  I try not to think about the work I must do because it causes a pit in my stomach.  I have failed miserably at IM.  Will it ever happen for me?  At this time, who knows.  I'm readily being congratulated for landing a job...this is what I was "supposed" do to.  Here I am.

Gotta look at the bright side of things, however...It might mean another year of WA.  I can't look at the all-negative side of things.  It is now keeping me from being nickeled and dimed from my hosting and domain bills right now...and possibly keep me in WA.  This place is my only hope of being able to continue and be up to par.

It won't happen anywhere else, as I have already seen.  WA is indeed the best place to learn IM.  There is no doubts about that.

Well, I promised this would be short.  Time forbids me anymore.  Bye for now fellow members... 

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Well, job's over...but not licked yet! I told my landlord's sun that his boxer dog had broken his chain and I tied it together (hope it holds!) but suddenly he has a proposition for me...clean up two vans and part out a classic car and get them on eBay. So this isn't over yet! Better learn how to sell on eBay very quickly! It could mean I get to continue with WA next year! I WILL get dirty to be able to stay here! I don't like dismantling automobiles...I don't mind cleaning up the vans...but I will do all of it to stay here!
jka861 Premium
Hi Daniel,

Congrats on the new job! I know how you feel regarding making minimum wage, but at least it is a wage. I like what Les Brown says: "When you fall, fall on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up." Go get 'em tiger!

Jackie K. Anderson
Well, I spoke too soon this morning. We know how fickle employment can be. Just before clocking off, I was told I wouldn't be needed anymore, they were now caught up. There is no telling when they will have me working again. The idea of coming up with my subscription, in an idea cloud above my head just went "poof." I've not even made enough to pay my rent for January, let alone my subscription. Things do have a way of turning around and I hope this it true this time around. This wasn't anything permanent. I don't know of any employment that is...really... It should have been a warning seeing the extra help dwindling down the past two days...that I would be next.