Am I Getting Smarter...or Dumber?

Last Update: December 16, 2011

The Doughnuts and the Ants 

This morning I got up and went to have some doughnuts that I had bought yesterday.  I had not had doughnuts for long time, I thought I'd have some.  I opened the bag last night and ate a couple.  I'd have coffee and doughnuts this morning before going off to clean an auditorium.

Bleary-eyed I reached into the bag to have my first doughnut this morning only to feel something crawling on my arm.  Yes, them dratted ants again!  I threw the bag of doughnuts out the door!  They were covered with ants.  I've been fighting these things for about ten weeks now.  I cannot just go on out and get an exterminator like normal people do.

One would think, that by now, I'd learn that if I leave anything like doughnuts on my table or counter, the ants will get into it...but repeatedly I have not learned this lesson and given the ants yet more reason to stay around. 

I went to check on the Forum to see if anyone answered my call for help in something I'm trying to work on. I got six views and no replies.  Half of the views were my own.  It adds to my despair this morning...I deleted the post...another time-suck, no doubt...for writing it...and for the space it was taking up on the queue of the home page.  Angry about the ants ruining the doughnuts (which were quite expensive for me to have ants get into them) I went through this morning and wiped out some things that have caused others' waste of time.  I unsubscribed from lists...not that they were time wasters for me...but the other way around.

One thing had to go because it stood as a monument of sheer foolishness and stupidity.  I'm hard on myself because there simply is no excuse for why I suffer as I do.   Why are there so many thousands of souls out there with incredibly high potential, like myself, scrubbing toilets???  There simply is NO excuse!  I know this is the same song and dance from me, I have no other way to vent this.

The Educated Idiot. 

I watch my landlord.  He acts pretty dumb sometimes, like he has not a clue about certain things.  The man was a school teacher at one time.  Today he is quite eccentric in his old age.  He rambles on about why the website is not even getting any visitors.  Great point.  By now, being here, I should have visitors pouring into that site!

Then I have to listen to him as he reads out of a dated e-book on how to generate visitors.  I asked him how old that book was.  He said, "This year."  It turns out it was last year...before the Google Panda Effect we are all so familiar with.  I'm in no position to quell his reading...

"Tell me why we don't have any visitors?????  You have two ears but only one mouth!" 

This morning an article I read comes to mind.  I'm not looking at my landlord now...I'm looking at myself.  20 years ago I was working in a ship yard, welding  equipment foundations to the hull.  I can tell you about so many things, but can't figure my way out of the same persistent problems I've been dealing with for years and years!  The article comes across quite frightening to me...

Today I'm cleaning toilets and trying to find whatever piddly job I can find.  I was stuffing envelopes five days last week...up to Tuesday when they suddenly said, "Well, that's it.  You're not needed anymore and we're caught up. Thanks for your good work."  That will barely pay my rent, so that I'm thankful for.

My writing is full of what I'm experiencing...but it drives the world away from me.  Lately I find myself lashing out in my frustration.  I pray to be delivered from this life what ever way suits.  I'm fast becoming an ash tray holder! 

The Discovery Channel...or South Park:  How Are You Using Your Tools? 

What I found in the article doesn't speak very well of me.  I've been on the Internet for some time now...and unlike a few who know how to play the cards, I've been dumbed down by it.  No, it's not the Internet...that's simply a tool...just like television is, so there I must disagree with the article.

No, I don't visit the South Parks of the Internet, so to speak...but somehow, I'm trying to make myself out to be someone I'm not...trying to show a personage I'm not...and it shows like a sore thumb.  I can't eve fake it.  Some people have the ability to act as chameleons.  People are not stupid, and can see what's phony and what isn't...yet they can be had.  Just ask our friends who do the commercial advertising who have it down to a science.

I can't get over that I am past my prime now.  I missed the boat...and so, here I restrooms, pulling weeds and being controlled by two-figure amounts of money I consistently come short on...causing undue disruptions in my life and putting me back two steps for every step I go forward.  I have to act like a dog whose master has the treat in his hand.  I have to wag my tail and act like I'm real enthusiastic about the "goodie."  Who likes stuffing envelopes???  For me, it's the glory job over cleansing toilets and having to beg for yardwork to do.  Ten years from now where will I be?  My dreams are becoming more like pipe dreams.

Reality...Real or Perceived? 

I've done all I can to keep my online presence.  I've managed to keep my domains and hosting going for another year.  Staying here at WA is another story.  We're supposed to be entrepreneurs are we not?  Not being in control of some of the most basic things in life is not an entrepreneur.  This is where I believe I'm trying to be someone I'm not...or think myself to be or not to be.  We're not supposed to think about the lack.  Problem is, it reminds me real quick that it's there, alive and well...and relentless.  How many things I don't have today I used to take for granted?  The basics of life?  My integrity?  My sanity?  Life itself?  Do I even belong here?  Sometimes I actually think, "Why was I brought?"  Whose accident was this?

But then, the answer is there...God has...and it wasn't an accident. I have no right to question this.

There's No Sitting On the Fence of Life! 

This you, who are reading, must ask of yourself.  If this issue is avoided, you stand the chances of having the undesirable creep up on you...and the next thing you're dumb.  One thing is for sure...we don't stay on an even keel as I wrote in a PM this morning.  I have a Journal and have kept it for many years.  It says a lot about me and where I've been.  Where it wind up when I die is not up to me.  Most likely it will wind up in the rubbish...a lifetime's work.  It all depends on the ending of my story.  So far, having read parts of it, shows clearly that I've not gotten any smarter.

The direction you go...whether smarter or dumber is much the same as getting richer...or poorer.  It is a conscious effort and must be continuously staid upon...or it can run rampart...unfortunately in the wrong direction.  It can be readily seen in our universities with new students coming in.  They all have that gleam in their eyes.  They chant "Ra! Ra!"  They hold their heads high.  Albeit what happens most of the time?  40 years down the road, the gleam is gone.  The cheering and enthusiasm has divorced from them.  96% of those who once had that gleam have gone by the wayside along the road of life.  They are tired, poor and enslaved.

No amount of positive energy has kept them from the wayside.  Positive thinking is, without a doubt a critical aspect of success.  I do not know of a single negative person who has made the grade, so that is on my mind and I have the resources recommended in the earlier post just below.  Life's needs are in the way again and is keeping me from focusing on them.  Someone said below, negative thoughts are just thoughts that must be dismissed.  However, reality comes right behind and bites me in the ass.  I'm getting tired.

Look to the 4% that remain.  Even at my age, I must do the same.  Many of you are younger than I am.  Do it now! 

Life does not remain the same.  It goes one way or the other.

Where are YOU heading? 

Why the doughnuts and the ants?  It is just another persistent problem that got in the way of life...and just keeps recurring over and over.  So I truthfully wonder when all this will ever end and I can stand up and be counted for someone who is reputable and respected and not someone known for wallowing in the mire. 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Daniel, you have a tape playing in your head. That is why you are having a continuous string of circumstances that you don't want, such as the ants. It's not that you can't be successful, or that things are stacked against you. You just have to change that tape somehow. If you can get one positive thing to focus on, then it just might help you to change the message of that tape. It's like hypnosis. You can do it. Forget about the past. All that matters is now, because that is what is going to form your future.
Well, I didn't expect this blog post to get onto the Blog of the Day. It's ironic that just before I came on here I went to take another package of doughnuts out of the grocery bag (purchased them yesterday and didn't even take them out of the grocery bag ye)t...unopened...and full of ants. Another $4.99 used to feed ants. I said cussing...just took the bag and into the rubbish with it. I wish we would get a frost so the things will die off, but the only frost we've gotten so far is the defrosting of my freezer. Insects are hard to control in Florida when one doesn't have the funds to get rid of them. My only way of controlling them is strict adherence to making sure anything like doughnuts go in the refrigerator. Things are so volatile in my life right now, what is horrible one week is replaced with what is hopeful. It has been going back and forth. Yes, I've been in hot pursuits for the programming that has made me what I am today and the only thing I can do is keep on moving forward the best I can. I wrote the above post almost two weeks ago when I got turned down employment...and finding those ants at the worst possible time...when I was in a hurry and had to get something quickly. My Journal clearly shows a pattern of deterioration which I'm now looking for resolutions. Even after I wrote the above, I had written a post about the dream. Things, over 20 years later, sit right outside my door strikingly like the dream. Certainly doing my best to avert what I'm seeing. I can't even find the article about smartness/dumbness but I've been very closely reading Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in the Bible. They have very much to say what a fool is and how to know the signs. In some ways, yes. I'm a fool. In others, no. None of us are completely one way or the other. I'm doing everything I can right now to stay in this membership because that's the most prudent thing I can do right now knowing my future depends on it. It has been so ingrained into me to see poverty instead of opportunity that it is very hard to see the latter. I know it's there, however. I've paid the price of having been abused for extended periods of time...but have since learned how to stay away from abusive situations...something that took years to learn. I'm left with what I'm left with and the only thing I can you change it. I do digress. None of this comes easy for me. It's not like is hypnosis...and I've been dealing with my issues through my subconscious mind. I've also had to visit the past to learn how to see it in its proper perspective. This actually happened when I went up into Massachusetts during the summer. The situation ruined some opportunities I had at the time...and even destroyed a friendship I had here at WA, but I know I'm ultimately the one who made the bad decisions that led to that. Some of my expressions with regard to whether or not I should stay here...and mentioning the general consensus, comes from that loss of friendship. Broken as it is, I've resolved to not let it stop me and closed the door I didn't want to close. Today, Jay has been helping me with my Internet marketing errors. I'm like learning how to do it all over's been an issue besides my personal issues that I have not been ready to admit has been an ongoing problem. Well, it's getting long. Stopping here. Thanks for your reply Joan. You are always so insightful and encouraging.
stadium Premium
daniel, I am not saying you are not a successful IM, I believe many times you have said you're not. You're a well, well above average writer. I would go as far as to say you are a gifted writer. You should be a success, please focus.
Just within the last couple days some things were brought to my attention concerning niches. I wrote a post about it and can be found below. In spite of the vastness of a niche I've been in for over four years. It is still very hard to accept that I've done all this work and is for naught. What this appears to be is having focused in the wrong niche and therefore not being able to do anything with my writing. I am doing everything I can to applying myself in the right niches now. Being confident I've been in the right niche, I've closed the door to success that way. This door is now opened again thanks to Jay who brought this problem to my attention.
meknowsu Premium
Hello my WA friend, I will have to say you are an amazing writer, Have you thought of publishing ebooks on Amazon Kindle? I know you would do great.
I have actually looked into this since you've written this post. It is definitely an option and I need to be creating an account there. For now I have some work to do and some things to think about with regard to my Internet marketing strategies.
stevedevane Premium
Hi Daniel,

This post reminds me of a conversation I had with my brother once. He was upset about several things that had happened in his life. He told about a time that did not go well for him. He said he felt as if he'd wasted the best five years of his life. I had what can only be described as an epiphany. I told him that I did not think that those were his best five years and that I had learned which five years were the best in life. "Which ones?" he asked. "The next five," I said.
At the same time, if we keep doing what we've done, we'll keep getting the results we've gotten. I often feel as you do. I have a Christmas present web site that was getting more than 100 visitors a day in late November and had already made a sale. Then in early December, Google for some unknown reason dropped it in the SERPS for numerous keywords. Since, then it's averaged about 30 visitors a day with no sales. It's depressing, but at least I know I can get visitors. Now I just have to learn how to convert them.
So keep asking for help. The community here will get you through. Let me know if I can do anything.
Blessings on you, my friend.
Hey Steve. Thanks for posting here. I almost deleted the above because I didn't think anyone was reading it. In spite of all the resources here and from what I've learned about life, I'm still finding myself going exactly where I don't want to. So what can be done to end this frustration? I've had some of the grandest opportunities right here and blew them all. There's one individual here that doesn't even want me mentioning his name because I've inadvertently written such that had the potential of tarnishing his reputation. I don't want this, so I stopped writing in the Forum and kept it all here if I should write anything. That's one thing. I'm about ten days away from the end of my membership here because I've had difficulty trying to keep toilet paper and disposable razors...of all things...let alone keep my membership. Things have been breaking left and right lately...computers, bicycles, life. Getting an income has been worse than pulling teeth. I'm getting food stamps. I'm 52 years old and STILL in this condition. I read way back in my Journal...late 1980s...same exact things money to buy basic necessities, no means of income...having to depend on hand-outs. What gives here? I've tried to follow through projects but I find myself with so little control that the slightest thing sets that off and I'm, once again, in the whirlwind of instability and fighting to keep a roof over my head. Even now...termites are threatening to take that away from me. I've studied psychology, NLP, sought to fix the negative views I have on life, think more about people and their needs rather than mine own. I know very well the difference between that 4 or 5 percent as opposed to the "herd." I'm in a lonely time of my life and sometimes just am waiting to die. I have do my periods of upswing but it is fleeting and doesn't seem real. Some say it is because I don't watch television (which they say, is the window to the world,) and is why I'm as I am. It's Christmas time. I won't even go there. Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year but Christmas makes me sick. I hate the Santa Claus music. Just this morning I dreamed about having only an hour to get a research paper written. Where that came from I don't know. Just before I awoke, I found myself undressed when I should have had the paper written. The time was at hand...Thanks again.