An Extremely Revealing Dream

Last Update: November 02, 2011

The Backdrop for the Dream:

Yesterday I saw a very disturbing video about farm factories and the horrible conditions and treatment animals get on those farms and the short lives they live.  I won't go into anymore details about that...

Yesterday I worked very hard pulling vines and weeding at the church building.  It paid my rent this month.  I'd far rather be working on my campaign all day but can't...for now.  I have more work to do over there.

Dead tired and sore all over, I went to bed early last night.  I could not even do much with my campaign.  My body needed rest.

Finally, like I often do at night...put on audiobooks that talk about self-improvement and that sort.  Last night I found three audiobooks I've not listened to in some time.  They are from old resources, 1906, I knew was one of them.  The three audiobooks:

We know at least two of them very well...

  • As A Man Thinketh
  • Thought Vibration

  • The Science of Getting Rich

A Visitation Most Revealing and One I Won't Forget Anytime Soon...

I found myself inside a dark house.  This was the house of a farm and the animals had free run of the house.  (There was actually such a house in Maine near where I lived, though I've never been in it.  After the eccentric man died, the house was torn down and leveled with the ground.  He had pigs, goats, chickens in there.  It was said to be uninhabitable and had to come down.)

Back to the dream...

There was something insidious about the bull that was roaming around freely and I was afraid of it.  The bull came into the house where I was and I went into the basement.  It wasn't a large bull but it was scrawny, matted hair and underfed.  (it was that video I saw.)

To my relief, I could barely see the dark shadow of the bull's form as it walked out the door...

This part of the dream ended.

The Revealing Part...

I believe, at this part, I had gone into deep sleep (theta level) and the audiobooks took over.

I was on a farm, once again, but a different place (maybe the same place but changed) and there was a barn being built nearby.  I could see the timbers.  The back part of the barn was not yet built.

I felt excited about helping build the barn and wanted to get into it.

The farmer was a very healthy and extremely knowledgeable person.  He was bearded with long hair and into vegetarianism.  (Again, my experiences in the hippie communes in Maine in the late 1970s, early 1980s before this phased out.)

But the man began to speak...

I realized straight way that I was trying to argue with him but he would not listen and kept on talking.  I could not get a word in edgewise.  I was both, arguing and agreeing with things he was saying.

His wife was there doing chores and I told her, "He won't even let me talk!"

The Farmer Sat Before Me...

He was talking from another room much of the time, but there came a point when he came into the kitchen where I was and sat directly in front of me at close range.  He had a sober look on his weather-beaten but healthy-looking face.

This is where I said something that I remembered when awaking...

I specifically said in my dream, "Nobody is going to read my Guide!"  I was referring to my campaign for Wealthy Affiliate.  The man continued to "argue" that point. "You CAN get whatever you want out of life, all you have to do is go after it and get it!"

When I awoke I realized why this person wasn't letting me speak (I was trying to argue with an audiobook that was playing "The Science of Getting Rich."  It was in one of the latter chapters about will)

What Dreams Can Reveal?

After I got over the short bout of confusion and realized it was the recording playing, I listened attentively to it until drifting off to sleep again.  It was not daylight yet.  I could continue hearing the voices but did not "argue" with them anymore.  It was in and out of sleep until I finally got up to start my day.

This is serious!

My own subconscious mind is telling me I won't get anywhere with this because of a deep-seated belief that my stuff is junk, that I'm nothing in the eyes of humanity and who would listen to me?

How many of us have this kind of problem keeping us from moving forward and being counted?  How many of us have this kind of belief inside?

Our dreams can reveal things sometimes about us that we don't care to know, but nonetheless, they are messages inside of us, our minds telling us there is unfinished business that needs tending to.

This is a serious problem for those of us having been so battered down in life in the past.

This one thing has been responsible for my not making sales, my not being heard, my procrastination, my own beliefs about myself.

Very fortunately, I do know how to get into my subconscious mind with various tools...hypnotherapy is one of them.  I will talk to my doctor about this dream.  He will understand like most people won't the importance of dreams at night and what they reveal.  I also have recorded hypnotherapy sessions by the famous Steve G. Jones:  social finesse, sales, self-esteem, prosperity and abundance...and others related to these...

This is not woo-woo, as many would think.

Dreams are the windows to our minds.

...I've made a number of editions because of the errors I made upon awakening when I wrote it.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Daniel, do you know about EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)? If not, check out Brad Yates.
Yes, my doctor friend has taught me about EFT and I've written about it. I should implement this because I know it works. Science does not recognize the existence of meridians and meridian points...nor the charkras, which isn't so much recognized by EFT, but seems to be quite accurate. One of the chakras in me seems to be closed and the doctor will attempt to open it...the throat chakra...making it hard for me to speak well.
Also, I have heard of Brad Yates. I'm sure Dr. Benitez has too and has materials from him. We are also working on Reiki. He is going to use that on me to help me with the closed chakras.
jatdebeaune Premium
I bet you'd be able to move out all of your hidden negative programming by tapping. It's amazing. And it works.
I'm not quite sure how tapping works with negativity. Do you use the same kind of affirmation model as you would, for example, pain? "Even though I am having problems with negative thoughts, I total and completely love and accept myself." Is this the correct thing?
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, you need to be more specific though. Check out some of Brad Yates' videos on YouTube. He guides you through many common problems people have. You can even write your own script. His videos will show you how to do it. Tapping is very liberating. Also check out Nick Ortner. But Brad Yates is my favorite.