For All You Song-Lovin' Working-Folk WA'ers

Last Update: November 13, 2011

This is one of my very good friends, Bryan Harwell, who could relate to me way back in college. This is for all of you people out there in WA Land, trying your darnedest to get your campaigns going and get out of that job you hate so much...

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Ignore the bit of code showing from behind the video. It was kind of messed up trying to get this to display and why mess with something if it's working? Well, it broke again when I added the previous sentence. This sure is one temperamental piece of software! Fix it again and leave it alone!

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Well, got it to display but it went way to the other extreme and put two copies on here! There's sure some issues with this, but I did make it work with some difficulty...only to find I put on the wrong song...and had to do the whole thing over! And predictable...had to go through the same process to fix it. But here is is folks! For some reason, when you edit something after having edited it before (and not have refreshed the page) you lose what you edited before! Wow! This took some doing. I will add here what I lost..."If you like the song, throw some gold into my hat. It all adds up! Thanks. Hey, a little bit of pan-handling will soon be replaced with SALES.