GoPro Campaign

Last Update: April 21, 2012

I had an earlier post on here on this topic. In light of a vow I had made to the Membership, repurposing the Blog from a personal life/social media platform, to a Journal about the shaping up of my GoPro Campaign.

In that post I iterated that I would use the 30-Day Plan to optimize the site and SEO. It would fill in a lot of gaps and then assist in taking the campaign to the level of completion of the 30-day schedule.

Presently SEO is in very poor condition. It remains "off the charts."

Google Analysis has not been set up (that I can remember.)

Since the beginning of this campaign, the competition has certainly gone through the roof.

Watch April 20 WAbinar. (taking precedence in site's formation) Per the older WAbinars (Case Study) I have been concentrating on the front page. The third in series is still pending.

Do what it takes to get pages to appear in the SERPs.

Do something I've never really seriously targeted traffic.

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mhamilt Premium
"Do I need to be updating the content in existing pages periodically as well?" If the content you already have is of low value there is no reason why you shouldn't go through and update it. However if everything's okay as it is, and your site is set up as a blog, then Google understands that content probably won't be touched again. I have in the past updated articles and posts where I have felt there could be more detail and more value to the reader, but if everything's already pretty good, making new content should be your priority. Think of it as increasing the value of your entire site. A really good article is good value, but it's even better value when there are more great articles to read. I dislike visiting websites that don't offer current content, I like to feel that the website is being maintained. Mark.
I am going through the content as well and have been altering it. I am adding lsi keywords and modeling the site after the exhibit in the Case Studies. Doing this with the format, not the content of course. The front page is far improved over what it was and I found one idiotic mistake...I turned off the pinging when I was first putting content on it...and forgot to turn it back on all this while. It is now on (for about 18 hours now) and I'm going to check the SERPs.
Went through the SERPs. Still not showing up. When I do a search for my domain main page comes up first, followed by my disclaimer page. All the rest of the pages are on Google 3 (takes up whole page) and 4 in consecutive order. I'm hoping running the campaign through the 30-Day Club will improve this issue. I have begun doing that, but today will be interrupted with some manual labor this morning when the sun comes up. After this, I will be at it again, being not a whole day of it. I am still physically weak from not eating very much and will be getting a short day today with the work at a local golf course.
mhamilt Premium
You might want to submit your site's sitemap to Google. Set up a Google Webmaster account for your domain and submit your sitemap ( (there are plugins that generate sitemaps for you, search the Wordpress Plugins area). Don't get worried that they haven't found your site/updated content yet. If I've left a site for a bit, it can be a few days before the content is found. Google set a reindexing rate for a site depending on how often it is updated - for example a news website would be reindexed hourly, or even immediately after a new article is published. A site which has not been updated for a while will be set on a much slower rate - every few weeks perhaps. Submit your sitemap and work on some regular content, and you'll begin to get indexed much faster. An article or two to EzineArticles or StreetArticles wouldn't hurt either. Good luck! Mark.
Neil also mentioned this and I looked into it. I tried to do this but I think I didn't do it correctly. In the settings for my Sitemap, I found four lines in red. When I updated it it corrected itself and reported that "Google was notified." What you are saying here seems a bit different. So back to it again.
Carson Premium Plus
mhamilt Premium
I can attest to how important this is. I've left campaigns alone for often months at a time, and watch the analytics slowly slide. When a new article or two is posted, the traffic for the entire site's traffic goes up, and the more new content, the better my site is received. Don't worry too much about 'SEO tricks', new content is head and shoulders the best SEO technique around. Mark.
Do I need to be updating the content in existing pages periodically as well? (as well as creating new as mhamilt just added thoughts about...@mhamilt: kind thank you!) The above was the other part of my question.
bmark Premium
Carson does backlinks still apply? Writing articles directing to your site?