GoPro Moves Up in Rank - Getting Closer to Monetization!

Last Update: June 22, 2012
It's just making Page 6 of Google. It's not remarkable, but it's getting there.

I just submitted an article for the page that's ranking I'm concentrating on that ...and I have not yet done most of the social bookmarking yet! I would like to make a link wheel using what I have now to start with. I want to point seven articles to it. The articles will be in a rough series, though not evident as a series (as I know EZA doesn't like those, and probably not SA wither.)

Can a link from one article to the next be put in SA in addition to the two outbound links? It's not the same kind of link.

The schedule system I created isn't perfect but it's getting the job done.

I get off sometimes on the time, but with each timed session, there is always rebound later in the day for the missed. This system is already working and can be seen by the rise in GoPro's ranking. (hope nobody is scratching their head) If it has more positive effect, I would put tutorials up relating to this topic since they have their part in Internet marketers' personal empowerment.

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suem Premium
If you write all the articles before publishing and publish them in the wrong order you would only have to resubmit the first one (if you were wanting this to link to the last one!). Am I making sense? But yes that would count as one of your two links because I did something similar for a few connected articles.
Yes, it does make sense. I need to be publishing them in the reverse order, that way I can have both links on there. As it stands now I have to edit 7 articles that are already published. I will notify SA that I will be doing this. Problem is, I would have to wait to publish anymore as it stands now, until I have the entire sequence completed. I don't think that will be many more than five or six articles yet to write.
Shawn Martin Premium
I am pretty sure it will count as one of your two.
The one link needs to have some punch lol
jchilders Premium
Obviously I'm not a SA reviewer, but I would think linking to another SA article would still be considered one of your two 'outbound' links. So you could send one to the next article and one to your site.

Of course you would need to edit it after the fact since you would not have the URL for the next article until it was submitted and published.

Great job on climbing the ranks!
I can do that. I thought about creating a linkwheel around my landing page...and then create mini linkwheels for each article...and then book mark & social media everything. Since the links need to be near the bottom, mentioning the next point in the wheel in the article, the bottom would be a natural place for it. Having seven articles in the loop with outbound links to the website all the same, I can get by with one per article, and the other the wheel.