Staid At It Hard Today...

Last Update: June 25, 2012
...but very enjoying. I could easily put out five, six articles in a day with the HS Agenda. I have almost five out in a regular "school" day, the model I swiped from my high school's website, still the same to this day.

It worked well, Almost finished writing the series History of the Camera. Series. It should be about 2700 words. I got the idea through television log research and it dawned on me how content can quickly be put forth through sequencing it. I thought this would be a good mini series to have for the site.

These articles will be arrayed in a linkwheel. Each of these will have their own cars with mini linkwheels from platform sites. For now, all pointing to the one page.
  1. History of the Camera - 'camera obscūra' and the Magic Lantern......................................draft
  2. History of the Camera - The Dawn & Development of Optics..............................................draft
  3. History of the Camera - The Invention of Photography..........................................................draft
  4. History of the Camera - Early Methods of Fixed Image Capture..........................................draft
  5. History of the Camera - The Dawn of the Film Camera...and Cinematography...............partial
  6. History of the Camera - The Rise of the Single Lens Reflex (SLR)....................................outline
  7. History of the Camera - Appreciation for Technology Published........................................published

I had a pretty good day so far.

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Except for two (one of which is now still being edited and the other not yet composed) all + an extra one are published. One is still pending, but so far, no article problems.
Labman_1 Premium
Don't forget George Eastman. You could write volumes on just him alone.
That's definitely coming. This is only the beginning of this article campaign. When I'm done, I will have a whopping linkwheel and a book to publish.
kyle Premium Plus
Nice work Daniel, that is impressive. It is productive days like this that really move you forward in terms of business! :) Keep it up.
With the new changes I've made, this is every day with ease on the weekends. All I did was take a bit of time and add some old-school into my life.
kyle Premium Plus
Old school is good sometimes Daniel. Great to hear you are making such great progress!