Vow to Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: December 21, 2011

I'm not one to make vows (that is, promises) because that's serious business.  There's nothing worse than to make a promise and not fulfill it.  Doing something like this is sorely looked upon in the Bible.  It also has meant instant death in certain ancient civilizations and even today can be true in some.

Only in America do we get the option to make a promise and be protected when we don't hold up to it.  Only here do we get to act selfishly without recourse and not be accountable for our actions.  There's almost nothing worse than for someone to say they're going to do something and then not do it...especially when in saying, they've made a vow.

But here I am...about to make promises to this membership...if I get to stay another year.  There's about ten days left (plus the grace period) before my membership goes nil.  I have much less than half of the money up for it yet.  The potential to come up with the rest is still very possible.

1.  Stay off the Forum unless it specifically has something to do with Internet marketing.

2.  Stay off the chatter unless it specifically has something to do with Internet marketing.  

3.  Keep my personal issues out of the membership.

4.  Keep silent in live WAbinars or any other live event because that's serious business.

5.  Do not mention anything about poverty or hardship. 

6.  Remove all temptation to reply to email broadcasts. (I unsubscribed from lists from here where that was a problem.)

7.  Take the resources from here and do something with them...do it silently and effectively. 

Why do I act so rash?  I've made no money here.  I'm not like Jay or Marcus, or any of the others who are doing well.  I have not earned the "right" to speak about anything pertaining to IM unless I'm stumped about something.

Others' time is extremely important to them.  So is their learning.  The two must never be separated...which I have effectively done many times over during the two years I've been here.  I have wasted a lot of people's time here with my personal issues, misguided thoughts and interests that don't belong here.  I probably hold the record for being off-topic than anyone else.  It is probably the only score I have here that has a digit to the left of a line of zeros that isn't a zero itself.  I can learn without involving anybody else and pulling them into things they shouldn't be in.  Until I can be successful at this, I have no voice.

I will do what I can to be in control...whatever I can't control, that's life.  This is true with my interaction with this membership...and staying in at that.  I can't pay the subscription...I disappear...simple as that.  I accept that and will be a good sport about it if it happens.

Until I can prove myself, I will be silent.  You will know I'm around through this blog.  If this blog goes silent...you will know what happened.  If the middle of January passes and my blog is still active, I've made my subscription.  Jay will know of my presence in the WAbinars because he has a roster.  Best I view the recordings rather than the live events so there's less distraction on Jay's part when he can be using the time to answer valid questions.  Until I can contribute worthwhile things and have earned the privilege to "chat,"  I will use the Forum only for questions about IM.

I won't try to help others when I'm not making the grade myself.  That's another thing earned and is reasonable.

That's it.



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...four months later...

Getting enough income now to hold my own eases things tremendously.
Certainly getting exercise.
Learning about golf courses and golf training area...building one!

The angry post was more a reflection of my less than adeptness to interact in places like the chat engine. Speaking up and being heard in a group (depending on the group of course) has always been a severe challenge and awkward. I followed up here because, even though the idea of using WA for which it is intended is valid. There is the social aspect. That I find challenging.

My training has definitely made a comeback and looking for errors, getting input from members (Neil > an interesting thing to check into...Is my Sitemap integrated with Webmaster Tools?)
If I do make my subscription, per the above, things are going to change and I will resolve to be making steady sales in my campaigns by implementing what I know now...by this time next year.
meknowsu Premium
Daniel you could get a internet job with elance or fiverr, you can get work that will pay you to write articles, setup social profiles and even create videos. Think about it, may give you some extra money. Wishing you the best!
Things are settling down a bit for me now. I may be pressure-washing the house and the sheds. I'm to fix a leaky roof before that project gets done. It's been up and down for me. I have to come up with about $250 at this point to make my subscription. I have not forgotten any of the recommended resources. I got flamed at elance because I took on a job last year and was expected to know php, which at the time, barely knew existed. If I can do the pressure-washing, one of these resources might fill the gap. Mid January is the deadline for me...
Labman_1 Premium
Well Daniel, that seems like a good commitment for you. If it gets you what you need. I have gotten to know you a bit and can understand your struggles. I can't understand why your efforts are not bearing fruit as I know you live this stuff day in and out. If nothing else you should be commended for your persistence. An occasional rant can be instructive too but you are right that most people here prefer to keep their focus on learning IM and the pearls of wisdom that others glean from their efforts.
I expect that even though you are on one of your down cycles that you do have some good information stored away in that cranium of yours. There are a lot of new people that can probably use some of what you know. Keep your focus on IM and keep posting.
Some may say I don't need WA, but I find it highly imperative in my case to stay in the game of IM. I don't want to leave for two reasons: I love this membership and what it represents and I just plain need it to stay in the loop on things. I've actually looked far and wide across the Internet (to fortify my beliefs about WA) and there's actually NOTHING out there...I mean NOTHING that comes close to comparing with this place. I wanted to do mass-mailings and even open a flea-market booth for WA offering printed and DVD promotions freely...but we know that takes money, effective as they may be. There's a flea market (Big Top) in walking distance from here but it's expensive.
Thank you for your kind post. You've always been with me even though I've been going through bad times. I have been inactive with IM because I'm having to spend all my time trying to secure some sort of income. If I lose this membership, I will probably shut down everything I've been trying to do. What people see of me here is my struggling against something bigger than I am (hate to take this kind of victim mentality here) but evidently, my social proficiency does not come to par with working in this business...another reason I've not made it despite my apparent writing ability. Every time something great comes along (like the special promotions here) I've had them taken away from me by outside forces I'm not able to control. This coming month I will be able to meet my basic life's needs but so far, not WA. I've been helped the last two months with my basic needs. WA is considered a luxury and I'm expected to spend my time actively seeking employment to show my worthiness to receive the help. They STRONGLY suggest I find employment where I'm not visible to the public.
magistudio Premium Plus
You are always welcome to attend live WAbinars Daniel. If you get too rowdy.. I can simply kick you out! Ha ha..
I know this. I'm never rowdy there but I know I make statements that are not in line with the lessons...and during the lessons when you've said to wait. I respect your undivided attention and is why I've not been attending live. Believe me, I don't let the recordings get by me. You could single-handed take on all the idiots out there still teaching pre-Panda stuff. I have very high respect for you. I wouldn't know what I know today (if I could just implement it) if it were not for you.
magistudio Premium Plus
Awesome stuff Daniel.. I truly believe this creed will be a positive start to your online marketing endevors. Just be sure to take action!