Posts by DavidOlsen1 4
A while back I was driving with the radio on when a commercial came on for Coors Lite, it seems, Coors is now calling their lite beer “The Worlds Most Refreshing Beer”. Now, I thought about this for a minute... I’ve been drinking beer for a lot of years – (Close to 30 in fact – God I’m getting old). Anyway, Beer has gotten me Punched a few times, Slapped quite a few times, beer has caused me to say and do lot’s stupid of things that I wouldn’t ordinarily say or do. But, I can’
Early on in my affiliate marketing career, I learned about and started using Pay Per Click search engines (PPC’s). was the first PPC, they invented the system of bidding your site to the top of their search engine for your selected keyphrases. later became then was swallowed up by In the mean time, dozens of other smaller PPC’s came along, some lasted others didn’t. Soon after PPC’s became accepted as a viable way to advertise, various scripts s
Affiliate marketing is tough in any economy, whether you are using PPC or good old fashioned SEO to get your traffic, your success depends on how well the affiliate product page converts. Here are seven things to check before promoting any Clickbank product. 1) Is the seller really committed to selling the product? You’d be surprised how often the affiliate landing pages have links to other product or (worse yet) Google Adsense links on them. Make sure the page you are sending your hard earned
One of the hottest topics in the online marketing world is always link building. There are so many would-be gurus, know-it-alls and just plain old silly people out there, spouting off nonsense ideas and unproven link building theories that it’s hard to really to sift through what will work and what is just some self-serving nugget of stupidity. Do I sound bitter about this? Sorry if I do. ;-) Anyway, here’s a list of 7 myths I’ve heard and seen over the last few years related to link buil