To be concerned or not to be! Wish I had a flower right now!

Last Update: August 03, 2011

I love Wealthy Affiliates, I believe that from everything I have seen in the University is everything to help anyone from all walks of life succeed. I signed up for WA and got a running start. Some things have changed a little on the homefront and now the lack of time is challenging when it comes to WA. As most of you who have read my profile knows that I am a Senior Market Advisor and spend my time helping Seniors transition into Medicare. Everything I read in the news and hear from our legislators say run from this business and escape to the hills. But I have brought on an associate and she has helped me double my appts and time on the road, that I am falling way behind on my affiliate marketing project. I am not sure but it is feeling a little like the Real Estate bubble, it was go-go-go and then nothing. Now we know that 10,000 seniors across the US is turning 65 for the next fourteen years, but where will social security be at that time and where will we be when it comes to Medicare. I do know that I will not stop trying to build my affiliate business, I love the creative side of things with it.

Is anyone else concerned about where the Medicare and Social Security may be going?

All the agents say it will get busier, but all the companies are raising rates to keep up with new requirements, but no one is getting any cost of living raises, most have lost mini fortunes in their 401-K's and can't afford to retire. Which with no job growth, and Seniors not retiring when they are old enough, to open up new jobs. Seems like a vicious cycle to me spiraling downward.

My thoughts for the day! Hmmmm. What are your thoughts? Wealthy Affiliates makes more and more sense each and every day with watching our legislators. Take control each and every day or each and every weekend, whatever time you have available.

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