Achieving My Goals

Last Update: January 26, 2012

Well, somewhere in my mind I wanted to discontinue my membership today and come back at a later date but then how would this help me achieving my goals. I think it will be better for me to set up an action plan for myself so that I can see where I am going and it will definitely l give me a sense of of accomplishment each day.

How could I forget to thank my network buddies for adding me and even welcoming me when I did not know how to properly communicate with them. THANKS to you all! Also best wishes in your endeavours. I'm sure we will all achieve our goals once we stay FOCUS on our objectives.

Anyway 2 months now and I need to get cracking since I've done my due diligence.


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Deezdz Premium
You're not alone, I think many of us have doubt and think of packing it in when we don't know if our efforts will actually pay of in the end...but the only way to achieve a goal is if you stick with it and persist. We're here for you to cheer you along and offer a little inspiration when need be.
Dell Premium
Thanks Dee...
Stilltrying Premium
It seems ok to me. I have spent the last few weeks trying to figure out what to do next and make decisions on which niche or niches I should work in. The thing is you must believe in what you are doing. If you are not convinced yourself, you will have a hard time convincing anybody else. When you believe in what you do you will succeed. Just keep on working, wish you luck and if you feel that I can be of any help just send me a message.

Dell Premium
Thanks a million Jojo, very encouraging words. I need to decide on a niche quickly so that I can do the necessary research to start writing, designing, etc. I have been looking at as many of the training materials available here as well as the tools. Thanks again and will keep in contact.
Glad you decided to stay! I spend half my time searching for where I want to be. I know we will make it and it seems to be an exciting and rewarding world. What can we do to make it easier for others??? FOCUS seems to be okay for me; it is the organization so my thoughts can follow so many new and different paths at the same time. Sherry M
Dell Premium
Sherry, I totally agree with you. There's a lot to be done but we can do it. Well, once the niche is decided on, the research, writing, designning, among so many other things have to be working on at almost the same time. Proper time management is very important for us. Time for learning and practicing what we learn each day. Thanks.