Feeling Snowy
Today it's snowing in Québec, so I've got plenty of time to work on my IM before the snow stops, cuz there's some big time shoveling ahead ;)
I stopped working for a while now(not because I'm so good at IM unfortunately, but because it's down season for vaccine production) and I'm doing ok with all this IM but I'm not being productive enough, it's not that I don't want to, just because I'm still overwhelmed, I shoudn't, I've been here for 3years this year and I'm still considering myself as a Newbie.
I really should spend more time FOCUSING than trying to find the most paying Affiliate Program out there.
Well at least there's many things I'm proud of, first, being a member here has set me up to just ONE plan, meaning that I never felt like I should go see other University type IM ressource, WA, for me, is THE best, I've learned a lot about PPC and Web Design but I'm still not into Article marketing, Maybe I should hire someone to do it for me.
Anyways, I should get back to work it was just a little 'bout how I feel Today !!
you can Wake Up now !! ... hahaah