Back to the Basics

Last Update: July 16, 2012
Good Afternoon everybody. I just wanted to share some things with you guys about always using the fundamentals. I was doing some research today about single working moms who are making money via a business idea, and other types of programs out there that are specifically geared towards helping people start their business. This is a fundamental because like many of the people here on this website whether they be "10 day-ers" or active members of the community, they still have a lot to offer for anyone as long as the receiving end is willing to learn and fill their cup nicely.

In sports, fundamentals go a long way because they are so effective. For example, in basketball there are a variety of fundamental moves that just can't be stopped by any defender. The Crossover Dribble, the Jab Step, the Fade Away, the Hook Shot, etc. All of these techniques have been passed down and taught over and over and over again. When those techniques are applied in real time you get results and the more practice the better the effect.

I think this is an effective rule in business just like on the OEP it has a set program for starters (the fundamentals of an online business). Anyone who is feeling like they need some motivation, I hope this blog helps you remember that it's okay to fall back on the basics to get to where you're trying to go.

Feel free to leave comments or post ideas about the efficiency of the basics you learned to land you your goals.

Take Care!
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georgejhaas Premium
I agree with your premise. Good fundamentals will help anyone to succeed in being a successful online marketer. Each person will have a different approach in using their techniques, but, if we can stick with them, just like you stated, you will be successful. Good article.
Thanks George.