gotta go it alone for a bit

Last Update: August 06, 2010

Hi everyone,

Todays going to be my last day before I cancel my membership, I had to say goodbye to all my buddies and wish you guys and girls all the success in the world. Im going on this internet marketing adventure on my own for abit, You know what  I'll be back (lol felt like Arnie when I wrote that) and with some good news (not a car) its just a case of the right consistent action .. I think one of the probs I had was I kept gettin distracted with other lessons and did not produce as many of everything as possible. For example if everyday I wrote an ezine article and 2 blog posts a day in a month I would have 30 articles and 60 blog posts.. 

I often find myself being very productive one day and the next barely getting anything done.. I think its because I easily get bored with doing the same thing over and over again... When I think about it though its a small price to pay to start seeing results in my IM business. 

Another prob I have is that I have a tendacy to try and do too much and can't concentrate on one niche for too long.. I guess thats got something to do with boredom again.. Hmmph starting to see a pattern here..

I've taken some time to reflect on what I've been doing wrong and of course consulted in a few experienced folk and after receiving a very informative PM from Dusan (Dabk) on what to do and some technical help from Craig (Welshy) I've formed a little plan and will see it through completely... 

So peeps like I said before just wanted to say a quick goodbye and wish everyone all the best for their IM business.


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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to your success David!
jatdebeaune Premium
All the best to you David. Sorry you're not going to be here, you know what you must do.