
Last Update: April 26, 2012


Well, I was not able to work on my IM program for the past three days and as a new member I'm feeling the pain, "can't take your focus off the ball if you just learning to play the game"...

But not all is bad for me, I came accross a good training here at WA that many of you may know by now but for those who don't then I'd like to share.

I have been merely focusing on the training section and haven't checked around other features here at WA; but folks, there is a lot more, make sure you visit your personal feeding as you work on your training.

Back to the point; AWEBER.COM it's an amaizing tool you want on your website for when you start getting visitors, the concept is very simple and straight forward. I won't go into details of what you can do with this software because as I said before, I'm just starting to navigate the waters of IM and don't want to mislead anybody...but the logic behind it it's very simple and one that deserves attention.

Hope you find this useful and let me know what you think and how you going about driving traffic...




Danny P.




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kyle Premium Plus
And aweber is great for managing your contacts and leads...and automating your list creation and relationship activities. We have used aweber for years :)
kyle Premium Plus
Dude, don't worry. That is OK...3 days off. That is fine. Don't look at this like a month thing...people go to school for 4 years and come out with a piece of paper, treat this like and education but one in which you can create a business from well you are educating.

This is not a race!