Where does FEAR get its power

Last Update: March 19, 2010

This my friend is another story from nature and taking the time to try and understand. I gave a longer version of this in a speech to a college class several years ago and it helped many of the students.

My dad, what a hard worker he was. In the spring and summer we had to make sure we had a huge garden of many different vegetables. There was a 4 foot high fence that went around the entire perimeter of the garden This was to help keep the chickens out, which lived next door in the chicken coop and its grounds.

There was one rule my dad always had about the chickens and the garden. KEEP THEM OUT. So, any time I would see chickens in the garden It was a duty to make sure they were "chased out". But yet there is an amazing lesson with this event.

As the chickens were being chased while I was waving my arms, they would without fail run into the fence to try and go through it. Is that not strange when you stop and think about it? Did they go through the fence to get into the garden? NO. They flew over the fence. So what is the problem now?

Simply this. And remember this please for the rest of your life. Why did the chickens run into the fence? Because their focus was on the young lad with waving arms (problem) which caused them to forget that they could fly. They simply forget they could fly. Why, they could only see the problem.

Look. You can fly. Our problem is that we spend so much effort looking at the problem that we forget that we can fly. No matter what your challenge is in life, you can overcome it. Yes, analyze the situation but do not allow it to cause you to run into the fences of life. Spread those wings and fly. YES YOU CAN. Thank you, Dr. Bob

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jatdebeaune Premium
Good analogy Dr. Bob. Fear makes you forget who you are.