Posts by Drelisabeth 3
March 29, 2010
Been doing research steadily. I've written a few articles, and published three or four....but no results yet. (be patient my dear :)) I have a solid niche for myself: due to a long profession in alternative and natural medicine, I will continue in this niche. It is endless with a multitude of possibilities. Sometimes I find myself going off on too many tangents and have to remember to STAY FOCUSED. I just did a small experiment with SiteRubix. I do not know yet whether I will publish a web sit
1 comment
March 18, 2010
Response to day 3 check list Mindset Characteristics of the Top 10%: A. Part of a Master Mind Group: the definition of master mind group is a group of like minded people who are all focused on achieving the same goal. WA does this for us all who take part here. We all have access to a huge network of people who all want to be successful and to help others be successful. The longer and more helpful a person has been, the higher they rank in the group. B. Has a definite purpose in their life.
March 18, 2010
What I did today: read a lot of WA guides; I can now get to page 3 of the Action Plan! Yaa! I moved my domain name onto WA hosting - guess that means I will probably stay around for awhile. Had a headache all day - unusual for me - time to detox :) I started reading the on web site development guide. I did research on keywords and articles preparing for writing an article. I already have a niche due to a long time serving in a profession I love, so I will continue to write and pass on informat