I have stalled at 5368! What to do?

Last Update: January 13, 2010


I have hit some invisible obstacle in my journey to WA prominence, I have been at "Member 5368" for a week now.  I had been moving pretty consistantly up the ranks for the last two months then all of a sudden, wham, no movement for a week.  I don't really understand the whole process, nor is it as important as launching sites, writing articles, making lenses, etc., but it was an area I felt OK about  in my quest for IM/AM success.

So, to get things moving again I ask that those of you who wanted to get a copy of my Free report "Getting Started..." go to the link on my WA Space and get your report.  After you look it over (and if appropriate, apply the information) drop back by and give me some feedback.  If you have any interest in making your vacation and travel more fun and less expensive go to my travel link found on my WA Space and grab my Free travel log and report.  I would appreciate feedback on this as well.

Any ideas or assistance in getting my Member status moving again would be greatly appreciated.  I use this as a motivator since I am still without any direct sales (I did get $0.31 from Squidoo for something, wahoo) to show for three and a half months work.



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dimmy Premium
Hey Bill, just a heads up, I don't post much on the forum and don't have any guides/tutorials up and I have a member rank of 199. Don't ask me how this member rank algorithm works but I only have 20 posts in the forum. Go figure.

Don't beat yourself up, the reward for helping others shouldn't come from the number next to your name :)

M-skeezy Premium
I see you have 13 posts. Add a few more by answering unanswered questions in the forum. Remember there's ALWAYS someone that knows less than you and need your help. Good Luck!!
olsonrc50 Premium
I just remain active check blog posts add buddys, make comments and somehow I went from 7000 something to 294 I haven't a clue how I managed that!
eageraffiliate Premium
Thanks for the vote of confidence. It just seemed strange that after New Years everything just stopped for me here on WA. As I stated in the initial post, I get that WA Member status has no bearing on my success as an IM/AM pro, but at present I am looking for anything that is moving in the right direction (at least until I start making some money). I am excited to get Followers on Twitter (483 at the last count, up 200 since New Years), see my Lenses move up or get a visit (let alone a $0.31 commission for someone linking from my lens).
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Bill, I've noticed that too. But (and don't take this the wrong way), who cares? I know how active I am on the spaces and in the forums. Other people know and that's what is important to me. Not some random algorithm that assigns ranks to us. It seems like a sporadic deal - who knows?

Just keep doing what you're doing and everything else will just fall into place - you're doing fine!