Posts by ECAffiliates 5
June 13, 2012
I don't know how many people have had trouble in this area. When I first created account in an affiliate site all of a sudden I had text enhancer's on all of my written work (website, articles). What a text enhancer does is it puts advertising within your work. It highlights the word and when you hover over it with your mouse it pulls up advertising. It gets really annoying when it occurs very 10 words. I really felt my reader where tired out before they were able to get to my lin
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June 03, 2012
Ok not a good thing. On my website I ignored Google Analytics for oh ....... a long time. It just wasn't active. Thought it was ok. Well decided I should make this plug in happen. Stressed oh for awhile. Read instructions with google entered account and on I'm suppose to open account. Ok enter UA Code in help with google and well entered account info.I writing this blog because it never seizes to amaze me. Everytime I write my question I have the answer before I'm finished wi
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May 11, 2012
Well my efforts were placed on Twitter.  I had an account just no knowledge on how to use it for promoting.  I had found amazing tutorials.  I know how I would like to expand this knowledge in the upcoming weeks.  I am also starting to create a list - another task to check. I have also continued with my website.  Personalizing and promoting and 10 day free trial.  I have also added articles to SA, working towards trying hubpages.  PPC is an area I
May 05, 2012
Well can say I feel my efforts are back into learning the online business world again.  I'm one of those people that is able to give more efforts in particular months.  Now is my time to shine with my online business.  I have venture back into Facebook.  I didn't know much of it's capibilities others then personal contacts and reading messages.  I have found great tutorials in the training section here at WA.  I just typed in Facebook and found infor
April 30, 2012
Well reaching a milestone today.  I am writing my first blog and finishing the tax season off with a hurray!  In the mist I have been trying to get my promoting abilities up for the 10 day trial being released tomorrow. I signed up at the end of November 2011 and can honestly say it's because of a 30 day trial that was offered.  I have to admit I am one of those people that surfs more than spends and have spends hours spinning circles. I have always wanted to learn how t