About Econcepts
Joined November 2011
AJ here! I've been with WA since 11/11. I'm still learning the way of IM and appreciate all advice you can provide to help me along the way.

My reason for joining WA is to make enough extra income through IM to enable me to stay home with my children. Currently, I have a website: econcepts4u.com, I publish on StreetArticles and Squidoo and HubPages. But I am struggling with monetizing my site and "closing the deal".

I love to cook and bake, do arts and crafts, and explore nature. My current project is expanding my garden and I am learning a ton along the way.

I'm documenting my garden trials and errors in my 30 Day Challenge - How to Create a Vegetable Garden. Check it out: http://econcepts4u.com/how-to-start-a-vegetable-garden-30-day-challenge/

I look forward to a bountiful harvest so I can hone my canning skills to preserve our fruits and vegetables for eating throughout the year.

Please follow me in my journey and I welcome all of your advice and expertise as well.

Thanks for visiting!
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thevaz74 Premium
Good morning AJ! Was just reading your chat post and I don't think I''m getting notifications either, if you're supposed to be notified when someone in your tribe posts. (I'm in SA as FertieStaff.)
econcepts Premium
Yeah, I haven't gotten any since yesterday afternoon and I know there's traffic out there as I've got 100+ in my tribe (including you :) ). I put in a ticket.
TJ Books Premium
I made an overview video of the process which will understand where your training is going. http://www.internetbusinesstoolcenter.com John
webkab Premium
Hello, just found you on WA. What a great place to be at and the learning curve is dynamic. I follow potpiegirl and magistudio (Jay) He's the one that give the Wabinars at the end of the week.
I've taken the 30 day training and felt that it moved me on 10 times more than anywhere else. I wish you well with your endevours and MUCH SUCCESS.
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
econcepts Premium
Thanks for the tips! I've got a lot to learn, but I'm so glad for the support I receive here. I LOVE Potpiegirl, I've been trying to read as much stuff from her as possible. Here's to our success!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
econcepts Premium