About Emarrufo
Joined June 2010
Welcome my name is Enrique "Rick" Marrufo,

I live in Warsaw, Indiana - There is more than corn in Indiana. (Really)

Visit www.myspace.com/rmarrufo to see Actual screen shot of Google’s search page.

I'm a retired Real Estate Broker currently working in a machine shop to earn a living. Hope to be a full time Internet Marketer with in six months to a year from now. Still hoping I just came back I was off WA for 9 moths or so.

Warmest wishes,

Enrique Marrufo
"Be a Mentor with a Servants Heart"

Looks like it was a year ago to the date I made my first CB sale for $42.13 hope to repeat it, but many times over LOL!
Emarrufo's Accomplishments

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businessadvisor Premium
Wayne here.

Welcome to WA. Feel free to add me to your Buddy List. I've been an e-Marketer for over 10 years and make consistent income online, so if you have questions about Internet Marketing, or just want to brainstorm and chat, I'll do my best to lend a helping hand.

I look forward to getting to know you and to exchanging ideas and strategies for making money online.
businessadvisor Premium
All you need to do to add someone to your buddy list is click on their picture. When their profile page appears, look on the right side of the page and select Add to Buddy List.

Hope this helps! Keep in touch!
businessadvisor Premium
Hi Enrique,
I'm relatively new to WA as I joined on the June 5th, however as I mention in my profile, I've been an e-Marketer for over 10 years. WA is one of several programs in my marketing portfolio. So I've really just started getting positioned to market WA. As far as biggest online success, I'd have to say that it was when I made over $50K in about 15 days. That was a very good month! 8-) So regardless of all the hype you may see out there, I can tell you that I've actually had the big money experience, so I know that its possible to do. That's what keeps things interesting.
emarrufo Premium Plus
Thanks, will do as soon as I figure out how to add buddies to my list you will be the first! lol
emarrufo Premium Plus
OK thanks I think I was able to ad you as a buddy. How long have you been with WA and what is your biggest success so far? I mean what type of marketing have you had the most success? If you don't mind reveling your secrets.

FatWallet Premium
Hello there, welcome to WA!
FatWallet Premium
You are welcome! Sure, you will be getting your Wallet Fat too.
emarrufo Premium Plus
Thank you, fatwallet hope me wallet gets fat too!
acondura Premium
Welcome to WA!
acondura Premium
Well, I started promoting WA as an affiliate about 2 days ago and I started an STF campaign yesterday. Ask me in a month :)
acondura Premium
Strip That Fat and yes, you should have one. More details at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/promote/view/stripthatfat
emarrufo Premium Plus
Hey thanks, how are you doing with WA?
emarrufo Premium Plus
Sounds great that you got started at least I am still spinning my wheels. Whats a STF campaign and should I have one??
emarrufo Premium Plus
Hello, Boy am I ever ready to do this thing called Affiliate Internet Marketing...Here's to making money, friends and enjoying live!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
emarrufo Premium Plus
Thank you for your welcome Jamie Smith. Glad to be here and can't wait to get started. See ya,