List Building - Right and Wrong Methods

Last Update: June 06, 2010

I just received an email from Lyris offering a guide with 10 rules for writing headlines.

Check out the info that they require from people to get access to it!
They must be joking!
Do "ordinary" people out there still give out so much stuff to get a free report?

By contrast, here's a recent blog post by Michel Fortin.

I recommend  that you read it.

There's a huge difference in marketing styles demonstrated by these 2 links.

Lyris want EVERYTHING from you before they give you something of unknown value.
Michel wants NOTHING from you before he gives you very useful information. And I'll bet that what he gives you will run rings around whatever is in the 10 rules from Lyris.

Of course, both are building lists. With a big difference.
The people on Michels list are there because they WANT to be. He makes you WANT to sign up to his newsletter by the sheer quality of his content.

The people on the Lyris list are there because they HAVE to be.

How are you building YOUR lists?

Eric G.

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