About Eve
Joined December 2008
My name is Eve, from the UK. I am married to Brian and we have two sons and four grandchildren, who live some distance away from us, unfortunately!

We are both self employed. Since leaving the Royal Air Force, Brian has been proprietor of a small business and I run a home based secretarial service for small businesses.

Although we have reached retirement age, we cannot imagine retiring even if we could afford to! However, there will come a time when my husband will not be able to work as physically hard as he does now (although he thinks he is Superman), so we have to find an alternative source of income.

All technology fascinates me and I wish I had been born a lot later! I have used the internet since before there were search engines, in the days when all my colleagues called me a 'geek' and laughed when I kept telling them they would all be using the internet one day!

I have spent too many years procrastinating and only just started to look into internet marketing. I was so relieved to find Wealthy Affiliate via Ryan Moran's site. Oldie I may be, but I still have an enquiring mind and could not run any kind of business without understanding how, why and what I am doing. Neither do I want to take part in any kind of get rich quick scam.

It is great to read all the encouragement in the forums and how well everyone is doing. I look forward to the day when I can make a useful contribution to other newbies.

I would love to hear from anyone in the same boat. I may not be qualified to advise but I can offer a very well used sympathetic ear!

In the meantime - watch this space! Supergran will be the one screaming in the forum that she has earned a whole dollar a day and when it gets to two, I will throw a virtual party!
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Internetgranny Premium
Hello Eve,

Was just checking to see how you're doing and whether you've had a good Christmas. ... and to get in touch with you to let you know that I won't be renewing my WA membership. I'm just collecting website addresses of my favourite WA buddies to keep in touch with them. Was going to give you some of my gold, but I guess there's no point now.
samsmiles Premium
Hello Eve
thank you for your kind message of sympathy. They were so much part of Janey's and my life. Anyway we have lots of happy days to remember.

Prosperity to us all!

samsmiles Premium
Hi Eve
come and see our new arrival!


Mike Salvatore Premium
Hi Eve. Thanks for your contact. You offer some good insight and resources in your blog. I, like you, am a perfectionist and hesitate to act without fully knowing what I'm doing. In light of that, I'll probably be taking the snail's pace route as well. I guess it will all depend on how it goes with the 8 week action plan. I know I'm a researcher. Good luck to you. Please feel free to message me anytime. I enjoy hearing from you. :-) Mike
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Eve,

I came across your profile and thought I'd drop you a quick note to say hello from a fellow 'supergran-to-be' from the uK. Just wondering how you've been getting on since you wrote your blog post. Hope things are coming together for you. I am in my second week of the 8 week action plan and there is soooooo much to do. So I'll say goodbye for now. I'm adding you as my buddy - hope that's ok with you.

Internetgranny Premium
Hello again, Eve, and thanks for your message. Sorry for not replying earlier - not enough hours in the day to do even half the things I want to do.

I'm vaguely freaking out at the moment - it says Week 4 will be ready later today and I haven't anywhere near finished Week 2 or Week 3. I am making progress and enjoying it, and with each week things do begin to fall into place. Website building is going to be a challenge.

I live in Oxford. Happy to have a chat one day if you'd like. I can phone for free, so if you'd like to PM me your phone number and a good time to call, then I could do that. (But I don't want to distract you from what you're doing.) Having someone to talk to - even just on here - can sometimes be a motivating force to DO something, even if it's not perfect.

Kind regards,
eve Premium
Hi Isabella
Thank you for your message and welcome to WA!. Yes, there is so much to learn and I have taken the tortoise approach! Reached brain overload at one point and stayed away for a month and did other things, but now I am feeling more positive and realise I keep looking for perfection before I do anything and I have got to get over that!.
The thing is, every bit of info you read then leads you down another learning curve. Whilst it is important to take it slowly at first, I now think you need to take some action as soon as you feel able. The main thing is to go the 'article marketing route, unless you can afford to advertise with google on pay per click (ppc), as you can lose a lot of money that way.
I am now in the process of building my own web site, as I bought Xsitepro software to do that. That was another massive kearning curve, and I am still trying to master this! One thing is for sure, it is fantastic brain exercise and really mentally stimulating, but definitely a slow, but sure process! I wish you lots of luck. What part of UK are you from? I am in Lincolnshire. Keep in touch.
Kind regards
eve Premium
Hi Isabella
I have sent you an email with my phone numbers - I hope! I was booted out several times, so hopefully it has reached you. I would be more than pleased to chat to you on the phone and look forward to hearing from you. We can keep each other positive!!
shaz2datop Premium
Hi Eve,

Welcome to WA! Way to go gran. I guess I'm in the same boat as you insofar as, the next dollar I earn online will be my first. And I very excited to be learning all I can in the WA environment which I am finding to be very supportive and encouraging. Best of luck to you & Happy New Year
eve Premium
Hi Shaz

Thank you for your kind encouragement. Onward and upward! Good luck for that first $100. Look forward to talking to you again soon.