One month in and I'm excited...

Last Update: February 21, 2010

Goooood Mornin' Everyone!

Hope everyones good today? So what am I going to talk about?? Um...

Well I haven't made a singe sale yet...

Not even one...

But I dont care! I've been a member for only a month and i've learn't sooo much. I'm trying to master Google PPC (Want to make that my "Thing") so I've set up a few websites just to play around and see how Adwords works and get a taster for everything. Take a look and let me know what you think and . Don't give me to much praise for the design please... I cheated...The text is all mine though.

As I said no sale yet but I can taste that first "click bank little red bar". Just wanted to say that my WA membership has been 100% worth the money I spent and wish everyone a great day.

Adios Amigos

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