The Importance of Creating New Useful Habits

Last Update: July 05, 2010

Once actor Errol Flynn said: "My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income".  He understood that his habits were directly linked to his pocket book; how much more so, WE, as internet marketers.

Are you habits in accord with your new (or not so new) internet business? Are you writing those articles regularly?  Are you keeping up with those blog posts, Squidoo lenses, Hubpages?  Are you keeping up with your WA tutorials?  Are you keeping up with your forum posts? Are keeping on learning?

All of these and more can be more easily done if they become HABITS.  It doesn’t take a genius to take on a new habit, but it takes discipline.  What about this, do you have problems with self-discipline?

There might be a cure for you.  I have just created a new tutorial titled 5 Steps To Develop Good Habits To Improve Your Online Business.  Go check it out and take one those positive habits that can change your life and your pocket book.  You can find the tutorial here =>


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rohend Premium
Thanks for sharing...good stuff
iFaith Premium
Thanks Sylviane! I'll go check it out now. Yes, we all need to practice profitable habits. Love that Errol Flynn quote!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Sylviane, thanks for sharing your blog!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Sylviane. We are creatures of habit for sure. Just need the right habits. I appreciate all of your good advice.