About IFaith
Joined May 2010
Are You Building An Online Business Or Playing IM?

Playing IM for years is the main reason I have not seen any results worthy of an IM success story.

I have not taken action in following any particular plan. I got stuck on the look and research mode.

Being all over the place takes you no where.

And with no action gets no results. With no results means I have nothing to evaluate, and that means no opportunities to tweak and build on from there.

Yes, I am guilty of being lazy at IM. Of not treating it as a business, as worthy of my time and energy.

I never really needed it or wanted it bad enough.

Having only myself to lean on, I didn't take IM seriously enough.

This new journey with WA will be a new beginning for me. With IM buddies, I can hopefully march on to the beat of a new drummer, towards a workable plan, supported by actions that will yield results. Results that I can look upon and build on for greater success.

It is not enough to just be interested in something. It takes passion, work and persistence in order to achieve something that will last.

Having a great support system in WA's community and tools makes putting that passion and work into high gear - easy and with less distractions.

I just need to be persistent - Do or Die! Get serious and do the work or else - give up and do something else.

Here are some questions that allowed me to finally get serious and start now.

*Why are you involved in IM?
*Are you building an online business or playing IM?
*Do you have the passion and the dedication to do all that you need to do to make it work?
*Do you know your strengths and how best to minimize your weaknesses?
*Do you know how best to use WA to meet your goals?
*What can you do now to jumpstart your success story?

I NO longer want to just be interested, or to play IM.

I want an online business that will last.

I want to see results that translate into dollars.

I want my very own IM success story.

Getting clearer on what I really want makes everything else fall into place easily. I can now focus on the work with a clear target in mind.

With a clear mind and heart, I am ready to run and see where IM takes me - with WA on my side.

IM Do or Die and being passionate about it!

A Wealthy Affiliate in mind and heart & Working towards being a Wealthy Affiliate in physical reality!
IFaith's Accomplishments

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daskyisthalimit Premium
Welcome feel free to ask any questions ! Do my best to answer
riojs_k Premium
welcome to WA:) All the best!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
iFaith Premium
Hello and Welcome! Good to be hear on this first day!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!
Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
iFaith Premium
Oh my.. I didn't expect a reply. Thanks for the welcome!
iFaith Premium
Oh my.. I didn't expect a reply. Thanks for the welcome!