Aaaah ... Back and Better :)

Last Update: October 21, 2010

Thanks so much to you guys who encouraged my little sabbatical - it worked :)

Ok Burntout [lol], I did keep dibbing in and out of WA but I gave myself some real head space and feel a ton better for it.

So those four walls have just dissipated into thin air and what's left is a wide open expanse. So, some focus is definitely going to be required over the next few days.

At least one of those walls had to do with writing online and not being entirely comfortable being out there as me. Some of that is valid because there are confidentiality issues that must be taken into account when I write and a pen name's the answer to that one.

But in all honestly it's been more than just that. Who am I? What have I achieved in my life that people would listen to me? My! That's some programming [lol]!

I'm really interested to hear how you guys think about putting yourselves out there - with photos and the like. Clearly lots of people are quite happy with themselves (thank God) otherwise there wouldn't be such great videos out there. Don't get me wrong. The things I do well, I do really well and know that. I wonder if it's all down to monetary success? How can you say you're good at what you do when you're pretty much usually broke? Is it constant self-sabotage?

In fact I just had a thought. The only reason I'll lose my off-line job is because I can't sell. I can solve problems - or rather help people solve their own - really well. But I somehow can't translate that to selling and that's more important than it should be in my role. This has to be all around the same subject. Hmmm.

I'll crack it if it kills me [lol]!

Anyway thanks for your support guys and I'd really like your views on the putting yourself out there issue if you have any. 

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Fallulah Premium
That's a very thoughtful and helpful sharing Joan.A conversation with Craig and also Wes's blogpost (: have really helped shake some dust from my mindset. Thanks :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Paula. I'm happy you took some time to refresh yourself and gain a new perspective. You have to do that once in a while. Let's see, how do I feel about opening myself up online? Well, I'm kind've shy. Nobody knows that but me, but I assure you, I'm shy. However, it's not hard for me to express my beliefs and knowledge about art and design. Why, because I am sure of who I am and what I know. But it is hard for me to be too exposed personally, like photos, etc. I'm very private that way. I don't know how entertainers and actors can stand it.Think of it this way Paula, you have knowledge and insights about your craft that will greatly enhance other people's lives, so why not share what you know? Your knowledge is your wampum. Don't make the mistake of putting a dollar or pound value on your worth. My advice to you as a friend is to focus on the richness of your knowledge and experience and how you can benefit others with what you already know. We all tend to take ourselves for granted. Humility is a nice trait, but not if it robs you of what is rightfully yours. As far as selling is concerned, that is an art. I think if you emphasize benefits and craft a good close, you'll do find. Call to action is the "art" part. Great if you can do it without sounding like a cliche.