Brain Sazzled and Completely Rung Out

Last Update: June 02, 2010

I am absolutely fed up. Well, no that's not quite true because after all today is Thursday and Thursday is my second favourite day of the week (my favourite being Wednesday) ... and there's still Friday to come.

 No, I'm fed up because I've slaved and slaved and slaved over my little Squid campaign and what's happened ... **gg** all.

 I'm stuck on Page 46 of Potpiegirl's One Week Marketing. Stuck is not quite the right word but it's on page 46 that Nick's Squid pages start getting solidly indexed ... in top positions. Hmph 1 out of 5 of mine are in the index (the worst one) ... and I think that's at about position number 6,000,042 (ok that last bit was an exageration lol).

 So I can't move on until I get indexed ... that would be like stuffing yourself with dessert between the appetizer and main course and wondering why you turn into a porker and have no energy.

Still, I'm grumpy. Very grumpy. For the moment. And it didn't help when I took myself off to learn about the Google Webmaster tools to help the situation, but I can't even seem to get myself verified because I don't own the squidoo site so can't get to the page html..

Mmmm. Deeply. Fed. Up.

Of course it's worth remembering I decided to use this campaign to just get the technical "how to's" out of the way. And I've done reasonably well with that - mainly due to PPG's material and my utter dogged determination and terrier like persistence. At least 4 out of the 5 are pretty ok for a second attempt - I think. Except of course they're not indexed. Hmph.

 And then another plus is that I've written about something I care a lot about - got a bit of my chest so to speak. And there's plenty more where that came from even if not the exact same topic. So that's good.

What I'm really worried about is maybe the keywords I've used don't hold up, though Squidoo's not helpful with it's tagging so I make no wonder my head's spinning on that one. The thing is it's taken me so long to do the lenses I've forgotten why I selected the darned keywords in the first place! Anyway, it's fundamental so like it or not I'm going to need o head back there. But not yet. My head's just soooo rung out I need to step back. For an hour or so.

Maybe I'll head into the forum in a bit - maybe. When I know what I need to know.

Mmmm. Maybe.



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jatdebeaune Premium
I understand your frustration Paula. Don't worry about the first lens. Just keep them coming. You never know when those lenses will pay off in some way. As for me, I prefer the article directories, only because I can just write articles and put in the keywords and forget it. Writing them is easier than all the technical stuff. That being said, I suspect even the technical stuff gets easy once it becomes rote. Squidoo is easy too once you've done one. All the best to you Paula. Maybe an outing and a personal fun day will make you feel happier.
felixthecatman Premium
Good morning. Hang in there and don't give up. It's not always going to be easy. PotPieGirl's stuff is good, so keep at it. Hope everything else in your life is ok.