Chaos and Consistency

Last Update: August 02, 2010

 I have no idea where this blog post is going to go [lol] ... but out of my head is a great place to start ...


I've been missing from WA a couple of weeks. We've had some happy and some less happy family stuff going on, as you do from time to time.


In fact it was the happy that taxed me most. I was a bridesmaid. Now don't get me wrong, it's always an honour to be asked to be a bridesmaid. But at 44, after four call-ups, and this last time being twice the age of the bride and her other attendants, I'm hanging up my bridesmaid shoes.I just hate being on show. Fortunately the main ceremony was at Gretna Green in Scotland where traditionally young folks fled to get wed when they couldn't get their parents' consent. Very romantic. And small enough a party for me not to hyperventilate, trip and fall flat on my face as we walked up the aisle. Always a bonus!


So between happy new starts and some less happy middles and endings, I've been reflective as ever and deeply frustrated to be away from my beloved (that would be my laptop [lol]).


So my head is burgeoning with reflection and I should be blogging ... the thing is I just can't quite get the order of that ... I'm hoping it will come out of my ramblings here ... and Maureen's editorial calendar idea keeps wafting in front of my eyes ...


Hmmm .... trust ... consistency ... bit by bit ... step by step ... one step at a timemoving forward ... ... what's all this to do with healing?


Ok, breathing better  ... on with the next bit :)


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jatdebeaune Premium
Sounds like a fun wedding Paula. I sympathize with you about being in the wedding party. But it really is a tribute when someone asks you. Pretty soon everybody you know will be married, and you're safe. Step by step and you'll produce a wonderful online wellness guide for all of us to follow. I'm looking forward to it.