Do something else ...

Last Update: May 02, 2010

I was in a real grump this morning ...

I'd done a deal with Simon ... I hate shopping but I agreed to go find him some new T-shirts (he thinks he doesn't have any to wear but I last counted over 60 ?! ...?) if he'd buy me some new jeans ...

I'd thought I'd be able to shop in peace as it's Bank Holiday and I assumed everbody else would be off somewhere nice. No way! I abandoned that idea after twenty minutes trying to find a car parking spot. Clearly everybody wasn't anywhere nice at all. They were all in my shops. Grrr.

So then as I'm driving home I got to grumping about the fact I've got a tricky paragraph to write before I can publish my new Squidoo lens. Grrr some more. I just wasn't in the mood. As I drove I idly thought about a post I did in the forum a couple of days ago. Basically I'm Miss It's Got To Be Perfect and I went bleating into the forum. With I think just one sentence somebody had me sorted and I was able to crack on with my lens right away. How cool :).

So I'm driving back after my failed shopping trip and I imagined posting another bleat (I wouldn't really post a bleat  in the forum) along the lines of 'what d'you do when you don't want to do it?'

I laughed out loud as the answer came straight back at me, just as short and sweet as if i HAD posted. "Do something else! You've got other related stuff you feel happy about doing! Use your time wisely Numpty. You don't need to go sit in front of your screen grumping and feeling stuck. Do something that's going to be useful AND you can get your teeth into. Then when you're feeling a bit more up for it ... go back and do the other bit". Job done :)

So, to the ghost in the forum who's on it without even being asked ... Thanks :) I feel great. And if you get to feeling stuck about having to do something you don't want to do, just have a quick scan through your plans. I bet there's something else that could get you in a better mood, be useful and get you over your stuckness. This place is fab!!!  [lol]

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jatdebeaune Premium
Right on, Fallulah! I think that's why people procrastinate. They get stuck on a detail. Simple and so intelligent. Just move on. Thanks. I needed that reminder today.