Head above the numbers ... Thank God for short videos!

Last Update: July 07, 2010

I've been swamped and demotivated for weeks by keyword research, numbers and seemingly impotent effort. I know it's not really impotent but it sure has been feeling that way for a bit too long. Anyway I've been following Des199 as he builds up his free tutorials, largely based on Wordpress ... and they've started to breath new life into me ...

But he's just done another one on how he does keyword research and it's sooooooooo good - well, in my opinion anyway! It's short, sweet and in 15  minutes or so he takes you through his process. His numbers approach may not be everybody's but it's refreshing and clearly effective for him and I can't recommend it enough if you're feeling a bit bogged down.

 So if you read this and you're struggling with either Wordpress or keyword s*dd**g research have a look at


I hope it's helpful.




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maureenhannan Premium
Thanks, Paula! I love numbers-based step-by-step plans. I need help in limiting the whole universe of possibilities. Good find...I've bookmarked it. I blogged yesterday about a similar kind of thing that I've been following lately. (You and I must be gravitating toward the same kind of help.) http://supersimpleblogging.com. (I'm hired the guy in those videos to do a bit of personalized weekly coaching in all of this for 8 weeks. I love getting feedback once I've narrowed down and chosen my targets.)
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Paula.