IM ... A Tool for Healing.. Yes Really!

Last Update: August 02, 2010

As many people already know, I'm involved in th business of healing. In my personal world healing covers everything. If it's not working it's going to become my focus ... even if it's just in my own head in the shower [lol] ...


Current projects incude gynae problems, eyesight problems, weight problems, money problems, career problems, bad luck problems, duck catching dog problems, study procrastination problems ...


Thankfully these aren't all mine [smile]. Nevertheless, they're all up for healing.


What's this to do with IM? 


It's my utter conviction that every person, place, thing on and in this planet has a perfect role. And I don't care who you are or where you are,or what you've done or haven't done, you count and you have a role. 


IM allows everybody to share that perfect role with whoever in the world can benefit. Don't you think that's healing potential?


I've noticed lately that if I've got something out of my head in the IM arena ... or even if I've just worked something out into a plan, or learned how to do something, or chatted with somebdy, I'm not frustrated anymore. My headaches ease, I laugh, my aches and pains (and bad temper) recede. Isn't that heaing?


And that's only the start ...


I wonder what you heal? Because you do ...  

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Fallulah Premium
Hey Thanks Jamie, I really appreciateyour kind words! You're right, the planet is ripe for healing :) What I love though is the power each person has to do that. Take your music ... thousands of people 24/7. That's soooo cool :) I've also looked lately at the potential of sound healing, even used a little myself though maybe not in the strictest sense. VERY powerful though and created big shifts in me. One Love definitely :) !
Moonvine I went and visited your sites today and felt the healing that your self expression makes available for others - and that's exactly what I'm getting at. In fact you reminded me that my mum was showing an interest in surfing the net - I must check where she got to with that. She's 78 this year and I know she would love your communities! Pity I don't think I can get your radio show in the uk. Note to self: Must look into :))
Joan that's definitely healing! Can you imagine a world where everybody gives and receives respect, and helps out others where they can? Even a simple little smile shared with a stranger can help healing. And as for cooking. Well, speaking as one who can't, let me say I think it is one of the most precious talents in the world. My partner is a chef and he just does not get what a gift it is. The thing is, humans need nourishment. You might be a lawyer, top IT buff or multi-millionaire, but the bottom line is, somebody who can transform a few ingredients into a lovingly created, appetising meal when we're short of cash or feeling under the the weather is the most important person in the world - and always will be! You're great Joan and a very healing presence at WA :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for sharing your great blog! This entire planet needs healing. I heal through the power of music. I am blessed to reach thousands of people worldwide every hour of every day. One Love
moonvine Premium
For me, self expression is always healing for me. Hopefully some of that work is healing for others. I also co-host an internet radio show that often focuses on healing of all kinds. Anytime we add to the goodness/positivity in this world, we are adding to the healing of it all, dont you think?
jatdebeaune Premium
I just try to give my best in my work and treat everybody I encounter with respect. Also try to help however I can. I guess that's healing. Oh, one more thing. I love to cook and feed people. Is that healing?