LOL Lens is Pants!

Last Update: May 06, 2010
  1. Good thing = can see my lens ...
  2. Bad thing = Squidoo thinks it's pants
  3. Good thing = already kinda knew this
  4. Very Good Thing = now I have ground zero I can formulate a plan :)
  5. Good thing = am laughing about whole thing, it's really no big deal - just a process and as long as I keeyp moving forward I am getting closer to success ... which is going to feel veeery sweet :)

Hmph so glad had acupuncture this morning - am feeling much more human :)

Now ... back to my little plan ...


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Fallulah Premium
Oh?!? Well that's odd. My lens now has a green tick thingy. I wonder if that's just coz I managed to get the hyperlinks going? Hmm. Still needs a slashing though LOL
jatdebeaune Premium
What? Pants? How did your hyperlink work out?